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Original ride height chassis measurements

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Hoping someone can help with archived technical documents! I am currently looking at some remanufactured 205 springs.


Its looking rather high though on any cars its fitted to so I need to find any documentation for measuring the chassis height when the car was manufactured.
Ground to sill or ground to top of wheelarch measurements. I very much doubt we can get measurements like spring height for an original spring 'as new'

Theres a few possibilities. The springs were not correct for the car when measured 30 years ago, or the car sat high and springs have dropped a fair amount on these cars over time, 
or what I'm hoping... the springs will settle by a reasonable amount...


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don't have access to any archives or anything..


but I could send in some ride height measurements if that would help

(not 1.6GTi or 1.9GTi though, so let me know if its of any use and I'll run around with a tape)


and, I'm not too proud to ask: what is a "remanufactured" spring ?

you cant refurb a spring can you ?


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There are some minimum ride heights stated in the PTS rally prep guide, guess for Grp N purposes

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a bad use of english - re-manufacturing rather than remanufactured.
I have 35 year old measurements from my manufacturer of spring height, no of coils and wire thickness.
I've measured some original springs and it all seems to match, however when put on a car sits like its on stilts.

I'm hoping to track down any technical documentation that might go into detail a bit more on chassis measurements - such as jigging data or something similar so I can measure a car from known hard points and compare to what we have in front of us.

Obviously after nearly 40 years the original springs have elastic fatigue so combined with an expectation of ride height based on modern tastes and the car naturally sitting lower now than it used to its quite a shock visually when you have 3 inches of arch gap.

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On 3/14/2021 at 2:03 PM, PhilNW said:

There are some minimum ride heights stated in the PTS rally prep guide, guess for Grp N purposes

Thanks. I have looked at those but I dont know what the difference is between that and standard. I'm guessing there were some allowances for alterations in  ride height vs standard.

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Standard ride height might vary a bit from model to model.


Looking at front suspension of 205N  (codes for the 205F are there too)  at    http://www.miamistu.co.uk/pug/        I see more than 10 colour codes listed along with OEM numbers. 

Which variants of 205 have which springs will need some research, unless someone on the forum has the info stored somewhere.


If you can find some sort of cross reference somewhere to the coloured stripes on the Peugeot springs you could possibly find spring rates and/or dimensions that relate.

Coming from the other end -  a search of the numerous OEM numbers might lead you to colour codes and spring data.




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