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Rear axle

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Hi guys, I went to lower my rear end using the guide on here as it looks really high ? I did one side no problem but the other arm is jammed solid ? Is it new beam time ? I saw somewhere on here the measurement between the nuts on the damper should be around 320mm ? I measured that and both sides were pretty much that give or take a couple of mm but still sitting like this ? 


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sounds like you need a new beam if it is seized.


did you remove the plate from the anti roll bar then refit it before doing the other side?


Miles at pugracing is not too far from you and knows 205's very well, or try Stefan over in Dorset, he does beams too.

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the 320mm measurement is with the vehicle raised and the trailing arm weight taken up, NOT when its sat on the floor...

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Cheers Mei, yeah it was up in the air. I followed the instructions and did one side easily, everything came apart no trouble but the arm just won't move ! I think I'll just get it off and rebuilt 


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Have replied to your pm

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Cheers Jord, could anyone confirm some brake part numbers for me please ? 41427p for brake shoe kit, and drums 424731.


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Thought the rallye had 30mm shoes and drums? 

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I’ve got a spare set which came with the car at 30mm but the ones I’m taking off are 42mm the pistons are seized up, so I’m just going to swap the kit including drums and bearings.....but I can’t figure out what I need ! 



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Gti spec then. I have genuine drums and complete brake kit if you're feeling flush

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All new Andy ?

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at the risk of just confusing the issue i've attached the part catalog pages

but you seem to know what you're after

(think maybe the rallye gets the TU24 spec drums)






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Proper euro TU24 Rallye has 1.6 GTi suspension .. front and rear .




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13 hours ago, Rorykeen said:

All new Andy ?

Brand new and genuine peugeot parts 

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Cheers guys, appreciate the help 

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