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XUD Timing Lock

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having done plenty of donk work on the 205 XUD and dont have any power tools

so cracking hubnuts and cam/crank pulley bolts is always harder than it should be

recently I came across a little flywheel locker for the XUD , (previously didn't know there was one)

now I can lock the flywheel thru the top inspection slot and not have to worry bout using wheels/tyres, jacking up/down blah blah

much easier, so I'd recommend it to anyone with an XUD7 or XUD9, turbo or non, all work for this flywheel lock and the timing lock below


after I got that little flywheel lock, it motivated me to finally make up my own timing lock for the flywheel

this locks the flywheel thru the timing hole in the block, and if you've got the tool you dont have to take off the starter motor to get to it

one less job is a bonus

you can buy these too, same as the flywheel lock above, but this one is easy enough to make with almost no tools


like most things peugeot, its an odd size

M7 outside diametre

most metal suppliers will only have 6mm or 8mm, and even if you can find it at some special metal place, they're gunna want $30 just for the blank

but your local metal scrapyard should have a few, (or if they're as popular there as here - bloody hundreds) of whipper snippers/line trimmers

look for the longer straight shaft ones and the japanese ones have the best steel

get one with a 7mm centre shaft that runs inside the outer aluminum pole



the centre shafts are made of high carbon steel and the first one I looked at was 7mm with a hollow core to save weight !

once I had the shaft, I hack sawed off a piece of about 300mm and was able to bend it to the shape by hand just with a small vice

no heat required - this would compromise the steel's strenght anyway

I made the tail a bit longer than what you'd buy (its still got the spline in it) which makes it easier to use









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