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205 Manual Steering Rack

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I've always had the power assisted steering but recently have wondered what its like without

I have the Si rack, and according to an earlier post its 2.7 lock to lock


Not doing any track/rally racing or anything, just tooteling


I could either just disconnect the power steering belt and go with no power on my current rack or


Get a proper manual rack and install that


dont know what the lock to lock on a manual rack is and how they feel

will driving my rack without power get annoying after a while

and what are the manual racks like on the highway



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The Si rack is pretty quick at 2.7:1. Only the Xsara VTS at 2.4:1 is quicker. The GTi PAS option was 3.2:1 and the non-PAS is 3.7:1. I have an Si rack in the race car and I can assure you it's an absolute pig to drive without assistance. The pump failed once. It's an absolute dog to get out of the pit garage. I couldn't imagine what it would be like in suburbia. The non-PAS rack is hopeless in comparison and feels very vague. It's a case of the grass is always greener on the other side. Believe or not, you have the best solution with the Si assisted rack.

Edited by petert

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Add the Si rack to you current power steer setup. Job done, happy days. Should all be plug in. Worth the effort 100%

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cheers already done

might drive around without the power steer belt on for a bit though

just to feel the weight of the Si rack without power assist

then put the belt back on when my forearms look like popeye

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Let us know how it goes Popeye.

  • Haha 1

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taking the belt off wont do the trick as you will still be fighting the pas ram.

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ah yes, didn't think of that

maybe that was why peter found his to be so heavy when his pwr steer pump broke

another miss on my part

what if I loop a short hose between the two ram pipes with just air in it ?

that way when the rams going in and out theres plenty of give and not the usual hydraulic resistance

think maybe that will work while I give it a try

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