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New front hub - with abs?

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I need a new front wheel hub, plus bearing.


Most of the hubs I can find list them as being for cars  ‘with abs’.  I don’t have abs, does this matter?  Will it still fit?  It’s a 1.9 hub btw.

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I didn't think a 205 hub would be easy to find these days but yes the dealer replacements would have all been late abs type castings, they are identical other than the hole and lug for the sensor.


or do you mean the drive flange itself that goes through the wheel bearing?

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I do mean the drive flange itself, not the whole hub casting.  

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they are all the same, there is no difference in the drive flange or wheel bearing, only the hub carrier itself and the driveshaft/outer cv joint.


autodoc list the flanges very reasonably priced.

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