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How to tell if bumper is genuine

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Are there markings on the inside of genuine bumpers to use as identification? 

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Possibly there is some markings ..


Anyhow , the OE item is made out of fiberglass and a bit thick , while all the aftermarket stuff is plastic (PP thermoplastic , ABS plastic etc.) and mostly thinner .


If you have it in hands twisting and bending will be impossible on the OE item , all the aftermarket ones will twist and bend (some of the cheaper ones literary like a banana !) , also trying knock with a finger the OE will be like knocking on a thick glass or similar .


Besides the above , the most common way to spot aftermarket item is bumper length top to bottom - all the aftermarket ones are shorter in length !

Kinda easy to spot really which is which in real .






Edited by DamirGTI

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Thanks for the detailed reply the trouble is im looking to buy a genuine replacement bumper and will probably have to buy one without seeing it in person i knew about the different materials was hoping there was a way of identifying it without  having to take the sellers word for it

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In 2013 the subcontractor stopped production but I don't know if PSA took the molds elsewhere or just had them scrapped.

I can't find any bumper at pieces-de-rechange-classic.com so I guess bumpers manufactured after 2013 aren't genuine.

Also real bumpers are painted, the fibre-reinforced plastic just can't look good without paint.

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"the sellers word" , nice

 obvious when you've got the part in your hands, hard to tell otherwise

had mine off to fix a previous owners tow pull mangle

these pics are all the detail the bumpers actually have, they might be useless but just in case have a look and good luck...


mine is an original GTi bumper

there's NO BRAND name anywhere except maybe for the P shown next to the recycle sign

the valance attached is made by OMEGAL

the calipers show the width of the bumper at 112-113mm

the number plate indentation is 465mm long approx

there are some numbers shown which I assume are part numbers but dunno













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