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205 Turbo Diesel Brake/Hub Confusion

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I've bought some parts to put together the front end suspension / hubs / brakes for my 205 Turbo Diesel

have the catalogue but still unsure whats what so if anyone knows the proper 1993 TD set up it would help to know what to aim at


the bits I bought were Bendix calipers, but no markings on the disks and APEC on the pads.

the Disks are ventilated, 247mm diametre, about 19mm thick currently

the old pads have different contact widths, inner pad is stepped with a 23mm contact, outer pad is 39mm

I haven't seen that before ?

my replacement new pads are different, think they are for the non turbo and wrong for me

the hubs take a 21 spline driveshaft and have the 4 wheel bolt holes and the two smaller screw holes to fix the disk on

they dont have bendix/girling marked that I can see anywhere but there's a 186 marked where the ball joint clamp bolt goes thru

surely they must be bendix to go with the bendix calipers ?



Pics attached,

disk1 shows the inner contact mark on the disk which is only 23mm, 

pad1 shows the new (wrong) pads flanking the old stepped inner pad



Disks are #424694, ventilated, diametre 247mm, thickness 20mm (min 18.5mm)

pads are #4246A7

dunno hub number


anything from those that know the TD greatly appreciated









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the pads you have are all the same height, the contact is typical of the wear you get when corrosion builds up on the disc.


a td 205 should have base model deive flange and bearing, and use '1.9' type discs, and a bendix pad.


driveshafts will be the same as 1.6 gti.


you will need to comfirm your hubs are base model or 1.6 as the offset varies between them by about 10mm, if those discs you have were fitted to them  them check the height.


there is an article on the site showing all the details you need to know.

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thanks mei, really appreciate the help


no wonder it all looks so wrong, I had no idea corrosion could do that !


offset checked  :


from the inner ring flat to inner pad surface is 29.5mm, (probly 30mm when you take out my wobble)

and on the outer surface, the inner ring rises about 13mm out off the disk surface


I'll do a search for the article you mention


looking looking ;-]




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I had a good look for that article but no luck

I was able to find some about TD setup versus GTi but nothing with specs for the offsets etc


The tip on what disk corrosion encouraged me to just put the hubs and disks back together with the new pads.


All fits together well and the driveshafts are correct to the hubs so it should be good


just waiting on the subframe now..


sorry for my un knowledge (please ignore my ignorance)  but

- what is a dieve flange ?

- how do I identify if mine's a base model hub ?

- is the 21 spline driveshaft I have same as the 1.6GTi ? (which we never got here)



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typo there, should be Drive :lol:


I believe you got Si models which were 1.6 gti running gear elsewhere in the world as far as I know.


a '1.9'   disc is 34mm tall, 1.6 is 44mm due to the different offset of the flange, full details in the article below.


from the measurement you have there of the disc and if they line up nicely in the caliper then you have the right set of parts.



Edited by welshpug

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ah fantastic,

yeah the Si front end has the single bolt control arm (which I actually really like) but I didn't know the 1.6GTi was the same


I'm off to read the Hub Differences article


thanks again

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Si hubs are what you will want to keep. They are unique to the Si in a sense you can fit later spec Gti brake calipers. Even 306 stuff also. 

After reading your other threads 


Use the Gti subframe etc as you have and use the Si hubs and shafts (or early gti shafts as they are the same) which allows you to fit better brakes on your Si hubs. 

Fitting the gti subframe to a base model also raises the hight a little so make sure you run Gti springs. Or have them reset 10-15mm. 



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Highly advise fitting rear ARB from the Gti also as it will be a pig without it. Torsion bars also if you have them. Si torsion bars can be anywhere from 16mm-18.9mm. If 18.9mm your ok. 
Fot Gti rear shocks too. Si ones are way too soft. 

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oh yeah thanks,

just really aimed at getting it TD spec to begin with so working thru that has been complicated by

a) a large slice of dodge from the blighty gent what sold me the donk/ancillaries

b) the Si shell was actually converted previously to a 1.6GTi , done by a Prev Owner and tried/failed to get a contact to ask what bits etc s/he put on.

so it was a Si, 1.6GTi and Turbo D minestrone soup to separate out

bolted on the TD hub carriers and hubs,  (which are same as Si) , with TD vent disks and calipers (same as 1.9GTi)

the front struts are TD but later I'll fix the koni struts the prev owner hacked the brackets off and put them on instead

I've got the TD coil springs on but wouldn't mind trying the eibach GTi set later

the rear shocks are koni too and already on.

I'll recheck the rear ARB and torsion bars on your diametres and might try add some  detail on the hub carrier/hubs/brakes


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Dont fit the eibachs. They make them understeer unless you have 20mm+ rear torsion bars. 

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yep roger that, no eibachs

measured the rear torsion bars and theyre 18.1mm

(wish I wrote down the rear ARB diametre when I had it out for the refurb!)

like the sound of GTI rear ARB and torsion bars you recommend but just not now

started organising some droplink brackets for the planned swap to the Koni shocks on the front

BUT then read graham's resounding endorsement of the original peugeot ones I've already got on and shelved it

thanks Graham, saving myself all that hassle much appreciated !

without actual track experience Id be easily convinced the brightly coloured aftermarket ones with flash names and high prices were better

s'all a ruse

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