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Eccentric tensioner

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Hi all, I am fitting a new cambelt for my 1.9 DFZ engine. It is the 114 tooth belt. I am used to the 113 belts with spring tensioner. Maybe a stupid question but how does the eccentric tensioner work? 

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Rotate it until the belt has the correct tension. Does you DFZ come with this tensioner as standard?

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Make sure you rotate it the right way! If incorrect it will undo itself. It must be anti-clockwise.

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Thanks Thijs and Petert. Yes this DFZ engine comes with the eccentric tensioner. It is from 93/94. 


So when fitted I must turn the tensioner anti clock wise to get tension on the beld. How do I turn it? I haven't received the kit yet so I'm curious. 

What is the right tension of the beld? 

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you need an 8mm square tool to turn the tensioner, 13mm nut/bolt to secure it in place,   I have used a halfords sump plug bit socket on these, I do now have an appropriately shaped tool from a timing belt tool kit.



correct tension is between 1/4 and 1/2 turn on the longest run of the timing belt without excessive force

Edited by welshpug

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I just file two edges off an 8mm Allen key. 

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See attached photo, something close to what petert recommends. I filed and filed and got tired, so pulled out a dremmel too and grinded the final result....

I did mine belt with the engine in place so clearance was an issue so this helped me tension correctly.

Everything I learned about the process and summoning the courage to diy is thanks to the guys on this forum!


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Thanks a lot guys! Great info. It seems that I already have the tool with the square end on it. I use it also for the oil plug. 

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Henry Yorke

I use a Halfords sump plug with a spanner in it.  I would also recommend swapping out the horrible torx bit bolt with a normal one with a 13mm head. This is much easier to get tightened / untightened when in site. Later XUs like 306’s have this bolt

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