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Corsa C controller pinouts

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Can anyone tell the function of the pins in the attached corsa c pinouts.pdf

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Hi Petert,


Thanks for your prompt reply.


The problem I have is all articles I have read refer to the colour of the wires not the actual pins. The corsa c PAS column I bought was not supplied with the plug so I don't know the wire colours, hence the request for pinout functions.


Your article was the inspiration for my project, I plan to use the speedo sensor output from the speed drive (x3) and a simple voltage sensor to detect engine running.

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I have corsa c column and here are the colours of wires in mine with original plug.

 I have a great little box that tells the cu to give minimal assistance all the time and medium assistance when handbrake used



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Hi Myles,


Thanks for your help handbrake mod sounds a clever one need to make sure it can be disabled when driving fast on roads. 


Yours looks like a neat installation have you had any problems with the sharp angle of the rack link?

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I shortened the corsa shaft as much as possible before the uj and have had this system in for six years or so and probably thirty rallies without any problems-although the torque sensor does move slightly and needs realignment occasionally- 

Also had to slightly alter the clutch pedal - can put photos up if you like but not so much.

The handbrake switch is spring loaded it’s only coming on when you pull it ! 

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Hi Myles

Would like to see your pictures if you can post.

I made up a cardboard template for the top bracket today I think I can get the fixing points aligned with centre of the corsa tilt pivot this being the case the column will be about 30mm higher up than most of the other conversions I have seen. The lower fixing will then be midway between the two bands on the corsa aluminium extension tube. It should then be easy to fabricate a clamp bracket from the peugeot lower bracket.

Spiders in corsa and peugeot UJ's are the same size so I am hoping I can simply swop lower fixings. 

I bought a three way speedo drive that I am using to provide the speedo input just got to make up a 3 times frequency multiplier circuit to map the speed correctly to corsa PAS controller.

What did you do about the body mounted fixing cradle? it needs to be cut to make room for the motor but it looks to me as if its flimsy construction is a safety feature designed to move the column to the side in a crash so I am thinking it would be a mistake to strengthen it.

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It seems you have the tilting column which is longer than mine so mountings will be different. I cut the corsa upper as close to the casting as possible and welded the pug steel section in place, this put everything in standard position with stalks and all. 1st pic looking up 


The corsa body is bolted into modified bracket 2nd pic looking left


The lower corsa joint is complete plus 60mm of shaft joined to pug and down to rack( this is the point where it got a little close and had to take a bit off clutch pedal) 3rd pic looks forward 




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Thanks to everyone who inspired me I have now completed the power steering assembly. I tried to make it as modular as possible using as many of the existing corsa and peugeot parts as possible. In fact I only had to make one new part it was surprising once I got inspired how straight forward it was to do. 

I am now starting on the electronics which I will share with you at a later dated.

I have attached photo of the assembly in case anybody else what to build their own830203269_205Gtiuppersteeringassemblyd.thumb.jpg.a6313e8a379292e97c3bf63d67e054ad.jpg1610316874_205GtiSteeringFrontViewb.thumb.jpg.16aae29243aee9777bedd1933aba630e.jpg

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Interested in some photos of it fitted, Dose it clash with the standard location for the ECU?

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Yes it will but cable seem long enough to relocate it, Others seem to have moved it without problem.  Do you know something I don't know?

I have not fitted yet as there is other work to do on car which have been laid up unused for 17 years.

Its a trade off I thought it was more important to minimise the angle of the intermediate rack link. I did consider rotating the column in the mounts which would be straight forward to do.  I have retained the corsa tilt so I have a little room for adjustment if the top mounting is packed out a little.


Like all projects it always work in progress.

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