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Handbrake / Fluid level warning light...

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I'm aware the handbrake 'on' warning light and low brake fluid level warning light are one in the same.


Mine decided not to illuminate for both functions recently. The car had been parked over night and on restarting the problem occurred, it wasn't during driving.


It stayed off for a day then decided to work again, also after being parked up overnight, before failing for a second time a day later, again after parking / start up. 


It's now back on, so I'm provisionally ruling out a dash bulb just at this time.


I've checked the plunger switch for the handbrake and it's fine, no corrosion etc. and has a secure earth.


The sensor is new (genuine Peugeot) and I swapped it back for the old one, which I know worked. I've also checked both off the car and again each works perfectly.


It's likely a wiring issue... I'm guessing the two warning features share more than just the same bulb and there must be some other common element that's making both fail / fix themselves together?


I've no experience of car electrics or test equipment, maybe someone has solved this before and has a pointer or two so I can take it further myself.







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Sorted - Binnacle out and it was a dodgy bulb... They'd all been replaced very recently, just as a precaution the first time the dash was apart so as not to have to do it again any time soon... wishful thinking on a 30 year old car!



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