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Heckblende retro cool or 90s naff? Opinions please.

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Hi. As pics.

stick it on or stick in the loft ?



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Personally I like them, but I equally like the standard look so win, win for me.


I think they suit some colours better than others... your blue works well with it.


If it's easily reversible I'd say do it.

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I like mine but mine reads 'Peugeot 205 GTi'.


I bought the car with it so to me it's 'normal' and I think it looks good on my red car.



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'Retro' yes, nice? Each to their own bit it's not my cuppa!

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I like them, i don't like the GTI variant so much.


My old 5 door had one on. It was a bit of a pig to attach as the curve of the panel was tighter than the actual boot so it took alot of effort to get it to stick properly!


If you like it stick it on!

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I've got one on mine, think it suits the car tbh, but i'm a fan of the similar era mods like Morette headlights, etc. 


Be careful with what you use to attach it if you want to remove it in future.  I used a decent tape years ago when mine went on, but could probably do with being redone this year as it's starting to get a bit loose along the top right hand side.  If you use a stronger / permanent adhesive it will more than likely snap the panel off on removal due to how stiff / brittle the panel is.



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Thanks for the input everyone. I think it’s going on .

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8 hours ago, AlexRS2782 said:

I've got one on mine, think it suits the car tbh, but i'm a fan of the similar era mods like Morette headlights, etc. 


Be careful with what you use to attach it if you want to remove it in future.  I used a decent tape years ago when mine went on, but could probably do with being redone this year as it's starting to get a bit loose along the top right hand side.  If you use a stronger / permanent adhesive it will more than likely snap the panel off on removal due to how stiff / brittle the panel is.



You’re car does look good with it so I’m going to give mine a try.

As for fitting I was thinking something along the lines of clear silicone or 3m tape (the spongy one).

just in case I decide on a change in the future.

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I'd use the tape tbh - i can't remember what brand i used (it was quite a few years ago) but it's held on well tbh and only within the last year it's started to loosen.

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Anyone have any advice for cleaning the old tape off the back of mine please?


Will solvent cleaner ruin the reflective coating, is it a case of soapy water and lots of elbow grease?



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I got lucky with mine as the tape was so dried out it just flaked off without any effort.  Don't use anything too sharp / abrasive, as you'll quite easily scrape the red coating.

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Try WD-40, it works wonders on some adhesives and it won't ruin the coating.

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