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Dodgy wiring

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Morning I sorted out my radio yesterday and was welcomed to this in the fuse box any ideas what those to plugs do it’s not a nice job and wouldn’t mind sorting what ever problem it’s trying to fix 

any help much appreciated






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The black one with the two brown wires is the supply from the battery; so that's where your +12v come into the car.


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I put together a list of what all the connection do on the fusebox (see pdf). Ideally for the stereo use want to use connection 'U', which has a switched and non-switched +12v supply.


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Thank you so much:D ! That will save a lot of trying to understand the Haynes Manuel ! It appears it’s sending a life to the foot lights or hazard warning switch will have a look and check now I no 



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when i rebuilt my car i tore out all the s*itty wiring that people had bodged over the years, including the alarms/immobilisers etc.


You can usually see the original wiring as most of the lazy feckers just gash wire in and tape it up so its not difficult to just get rid of it all and start again.


So called automotive electricians are in my experience pretty terrible at what they do, the local one at a car club i attend via facebook is truly awful but whenever a electrical job needs doing people always recommend 'bob' . i wouldnt let this so called expert any where near my car!

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I've just done the same on mine, hence me putting together that list on the fusebox. Admittedly some of the wiring was mine originally, and while done reasonably well, a lot of it wasn't loomed up nicely so there was lots of random wires taking strange routes. I don't think the original wiring is particularly neat anyway, particularly the stuff coming out of the fusebox.

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