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Cruise control in a 205 (very basic guide)

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In another topic I casually mentioned I have cruise control in my 205. This byline caused some replies, so I thought it would make sense to create a topic about cruise control.


I used a random aftermarket kit, but you can use a kit from another brand as well. Waeco Magicspeed MS-50 is what my kit was called. The important thing is that it's a conventional kit that connects to the throttle cable. I believe these kits are vacuum based. 


I installed this in a CTI with a XU10J2TE swap and the old dashboard (1987), but I imagine it's similar in all 205s.


I wanted a system that look as stock as possible, so I used a genuine PSA cruise control stalk. The control unit that belonged to my cruise control kit was hideous and would look utterly out of place. It only had 3 buttons, and the original 90s PSA stalks only have 3 functions (up, down, pull), so that fits. With these functions I can toggle CC on/off, I can save a speed, I can let it recall the previously saved speed and I can increase/decrease current speed. The one I used came from a Eurovan (806/Evasion/Relay/Ulysses/Zeta), but you can use anything analog. Depending on the model the angle of the stalk might be different, making it easier/more difficult to control it with your hands on the wheel.


I think the pictures kind of speak for themselves. You install the cruise control kit based on the manual of the cruise control kit. However, you replace the aftermarket buttons/stalk with the PSA stalk. Some multimetering will be required.


306 cruise control).jpg



Peugeot 205 CTI turbo - 19.jpg


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