bacardincoke 42 1 Cars Posted May 5, 2020 While sorting out the air filter box I've discovered the original bracket, (which I believe I'm right in saying bolts to the exhaust manifold at two points and the rocker cover at a third?) is missing. The air box now attaches at the rocker cover point as normal, but there's also a small makeshift bracket that attaches the other end, also to the rocker cover. It's sturdy enough and until it was removed you'd be none the wiser it wasn't standard. It's another example of the small mods I've found on this car, all seem to have been done a very long time ago, but I suppose that's to be expected on a 30+ year old car. Anyhow in the place of the proper air box bracket I found this heat shield affair. It looks like a store bought universal piece, but the 3 x 'legs' it attaches to the exhaust manifold by are definitely home made. I'm hoping to go back to the original air box bracket arrangement as there's different reproductions now available. My question is - is this add on heat shield just that, a no essential extra or because of the other changes has it replaced a now missing factory heat shield? I'm guessing there's quite a bit of heat circulating just below the air box and the later shield probably provided some protection, but is it essential... I ask because I can't have the add on shield and bracket at the same time, they seem to share some of the same fixing points? There is already what looks like a factory shield further down, between the lower part of the manifold / down pipe and the body / transmission tunnel. It seems to go under the car at it's lowest part and looks complete / attached correctly. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
bacardincoke 42 1 Cars Posted May 6, 2020 Been trying to get my head around different diagrams on the inter-web - I've filched a few images (if they're yours, apologies in advance!) and was hoping someone could check my understanding is correct or not? My manifold is the same as the one below - are the red circled holes (with bolts fitted in this case) for two of the three legs of the air filter box bracket? The three yellow circled, threaded holes are as corroded as the rest of my manifold and don't seem to have ever been used, are they not usually? If I am missing a heat shield, would it have mounted via these? I do have the heat shield pictured, there's likely others further under the car out of sight, but this is the only one visible if you're looking down between the back of the block and bulkhead... is that all I should be seeing? Thanks... Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
DamirGTI 344 Posted May 7, 2020 Yes , the red circled holes are for the air box mount . Yellow ones , only one furthest back plus one of the reds and two side holds are for the heat shield ... however i never seen 205 with the heat shield , me thinks they never had one . Later XU 8v engines fitted in 406 and Xantia (xu5j , xu7j ..) do have one ... so , can retrofit one of those on a 205 if you want . D 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Tom Fenton 1,549 Posted May 7, 2020 205's never had that heat shield. Not all manifolds have the fixing points. The other smaller heat shield goes on the bulkhead. I made the first out there reproduction airbox brackets some 4 years ago. Others soon copied. 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
welshpug 1,668 Posted May 7, 2020 thats a pipercross logo on your piece of alignment, nlr! 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
bacardincoke 42 1 Cars Posted May 7, 2020 That's spot on, thanks... now I know I'm not missing anything which is a bonus. My car's probably had a restoration at some time (long ago) in it's past and now that I'm getting to know 205's a bit better it's clear smaller bits, like the air box bracket have been changed out or are missing altogether which was why I was keen to check. Probably said elsewhere that I've more of a history with MK1 and 2 Golfs, so it's been a pleasant surprise just how much stuff is either still available new / reproduced or secondhand for 205's and at decent prices. Interesting about that being a Pipercross item, might indicate there was one of their air filters on the car at a time and why the original bracket's now gone... looks to have been on for quite a while and an older logo? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Dimi 7 1 Cars Posted May 19, 2020 I am glad I found this topic, as I was inspecting the hoses behind the engine, I found the vacuum hose from the booster cylinder hanging innfront of the fireeall and below the exhaust manifold, and when I touched it along the length found it hardened until it hid behind the expansion tank. So I put it in some shroud pipe and tied it to the top of the firewall and other wires. Then did the same to the fuel pipes coming from under the car into the engine bay. The overflow hose from the expansion tank was nearly touching the manifold and was melted up front, and all hard plastic. So I rerouted a new long one close to the firewall between the fuel hoses. See phitos. So thank you all for the shared information about the top exhaust manifold heat shield. I am going to try to modify a suitable srappy one in order to spare the airbox from the rising heat. I even wondered why noone has tried to wrap the airbox into some sort of heat resistant material soft jacket. 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
welshpug 1,668 Posted May 19, 2020 sunroof vacuum pipe from memory should be in the scuttle tray not in the engine bay, Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
bacardincoke 42 1 Cars Posted May 19, 2020 This is another bracket I have since found out I was missing... don't know if they're the same on your (LHD?) car, but might be worth checking it's there on the bulkhead, below the level of the airbox. Fortunately the molded shape of the two pipes it's now holding kept them reasonably far from the exhaust manifold, but the bracket was presumably put there originally for a reason and it now keeps them well out of harms way! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Dimi 7 1 Cars Posted May 19, 2020 Hi Bacardincoke, my bracket is for a single hose. See attached. I started placing every hose on that wall in shroud hose :-) photo attached before shroud. Your post encouraged me to go ahead and try to manage heat around the manifold! Thanks again, as I thought may be I am too worried as I have not seen anyone doing anything about the airbox. Damir made my day too by pointing to that heat shield!!! Hi Welshpug, mine is a LHD and the vacuum comes from the other corner. I see how then the hose goes through the firewall and into the scuttle. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites