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1.6 Gti rear T piece above beam

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Hi. I’m having to replace the pipe and flexis at the rear . Is the T piece on the NSR Peugeot specific or will any replacement suffice. 
also any advice on removing it as it feels like the bracket and part of the floor pan has the potential to come off with it!


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I think with the bolt hole through the body, it's a Peugeot specific item, at least I've never seen one with the hole in the same place elsewhere when I was looking for one to replace mine a few years ago.


Just a generic m10 T-piece will suffice but the bolt hole is usually in a slightly different place.



As for removal, I think I used a spanner on the end of the flexi or clamped around the T--piece to get the bolt undone after soaking it with plusgas for a while before I tried.




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From memory it’s a stud.  You’ll need to remove the paint.  More than one dose of Plus Gas to release the nut required.

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Thanks for the help both.

what I did in the end (and should have updated sorry) is drill down the centre of the bolt that was holding the T piece to the bracket. Went bigger drill sizes till it surrendered. I’ve reused then original T piece and put on a new nut / bolt with plenty of copper grease.

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