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Magnex exhaust middle box query / ID

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Hi. So the middle box on my magnex is dented and blowing. I took a chance on a second hand stainless middle box on eBay. It arrived I polished it up and it’s pretty much (other than part number and slight difference in out pipe angle ) a perfect match.

it also has a stamp starting XP 22 . but no brace / reinforcement.

The only issue is that the bore of the pipe from the down pipe (modded gti6 stainless) is the same.

Is it genuine Magnex middle box and if so what is it off please.  Pics for comparison.
car is a 92 1.6 converted to gti6 and the system was on it when purchased 





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The box on the left is the eBay purchased  one


Edited by miamigtimark

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those pics are useless as they don't show the shape :lol:


pipes being the same size is a good thing isn't it?

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sneaky new picture lol   looks fine, just a newer different construction, cheaper to make than a fully welded box.

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Thanks welshpug.

The problem with the down pipe to new middle box is that they are the same diameter so the middle box won’t slide over the end of the downpipe like the old one.

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oh, that's easy to sort, whats the o.d of the pipe?

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3 options,


shorten the pipe and weld this on, and use a clamp.



use this and 2 clamps.





or just weld it.



*those are just examples, you will need to measure your pipe o.d.

Edited by welshpug

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On closer inspection I think it’s been DIYed to fit over a standard down pipe so it kind of flares then reduces and pinched into an oval.

not sure how I would open it out really 





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I'd be inclined to cut that off and make the slits longer, or use one of the parts I linked to.

Edited by welshpug

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Thanks for the advice . Looking at the links now. Cheers 

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Tom Fenton

Take it somewhere with a proper hydraulic exhaust bending and stretching machine and get them to reform that flare for you. 

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