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Headlight Earthing Blocks...

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Found some pretty mediocre rewiring of the headlights and front indicators by a previous owner.


The quality of the work is borderline dangerous, it's amazing it worked let alone didn't start a fire.


I've searched the forum and found a few references to replacing earthing blocks sited in and around the headlights as they seem to become problematic.


I suspect that's what was being attempted, which is fair enough however I'm going to have to undo everything and start afresh.


Presumably if the original blocks were around the front of the car they were susceptible to the wet and corrosion, hence the need for a fix.


My car's not going to be a daily so not so much of a concern for me so I'm going back to original.


The wiring I can sort out, but if anyone had some images of the blocks in situ it'd be a great help getting things as they were.


As an aside the front lower lights have been wired into the main beam... Would the originals have been also or were they fog lights?


The cut of the glass suggests they're 'driving' and not 'fog' lights, again if I'm going for originality now's the time to sort it out while I'm doing the wiring.  



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Tom Fenton

The oe earth points aren’t great used in the exposed area at the front of the car. Used elsewhere in the car inside they are ok. Easiest way to sort them out is cut the plugs off crimp ring terminals on then use the bolt that secures the earth to securely bolt them down. 

Thr driving lamps are wired like that from the factory & are supposed to come on with main beam

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Good news on the driving lamps, at least I don't have to change anything there thanks. Where did the original blocks sit, mine are gone and there's quite a few 'extra' holes along the front panel to choose from (being picky I know, but want to get it close to original)?


The existing 'upgrade' has used a separate screw/earth point for every wire that required one instead of one central connection, there must be 4 or 5 drilled in all around the head light opening.

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OE earth blocks in the engine bay used to have some kind of plastic/vinyl protective covering when new , but that deteriorated or fall apart on most of the 205/309 till today ..


Earth blocks used to be on the front panel next to the headlamp , near the radiator , one on each side left-right .


Remove all those multiple earth points and pick one place for all of them , pile them all together in one . Clean up the metal thoroughly from paint etc. and when done apply some Vaseline or similar on top to protect that earth point from moisture ingest/rusting .  



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Thanks all... that's my morning taken care of, though just glad I discovered the bodgery before it was too late!

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