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205 won’t stop running

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Hi, I’ve tried searching for my problem but I’ve only been able to find the opposite problems to what I’ve got!! 

 Lots of people with cars that won’t start but my problem is my car won’t stop!!

 stopped outside home the other day and pulled the key out only for the car to keep running, had to stall it for it to stop. Anybody give me some ideas for some weekend tinkering

My car has always an clicking starter which I put down to lack of use and a few months ago I put a walbro fuel pump in as the d one was nearly 29 years old lol

Ive taken the ignition barrel out and removed the switch (Y shaped) to try and operate it and again it will start the car but won’t shut it off.


Any help would be appreciated

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Has it got an immobiliser? I think a sticky relay in an immobiliser can do this depending on how it's wired.


Check for +12v on the positive terminal of the coil with the key turned off, if you have +12v there work backwards along that wire to find where it's coming from.

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No immobiliser, but thanks

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Pull the fuse for the fuel pump, that should stop it, either that or unplug the tachymetric relay (Under the dash next to the ecu).


It's possible the relay has failed closed & isn't opening the relay to stop the engine fuel supply when the ignition is switched off.



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Does it do this all the time or only when engine hot? 


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It happens even from cold. 

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Tom Fenton

I think it could be the ignition barrel switch. With it still running and the key removed, unplug the ignition switch at the plugs a short way down the wiring. If it then stops, that is your problem.

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I actually took the barrel out last night and with the switch off it still ran. When operating the Y piece on the switch with a screwdriver the the car still wouldn’t turn off.

Although I didn’t unplug the switch leads!! Might try that this evening. Thanks

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My XR did this once, when my old man gave me a can of fuel which had been mixed with diesel (what are family for!?).  It's unlikely to be that in your case; you'd also be experiencing engine speeds of 4-8RPM, and clouds of billowing white smoke...

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Is this Jetronic or Motronic car ?




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I’ve had the tank of diesel experience before lol. 

Jetronic injection system.

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