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T16 Doors Vs 1.6/1.9 GTi doors

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Hey guys, just out of curiosity, other than..


  • The T16 doors are made out of non-metal (carbon kevlar/fiberglass etc) and as such much lighter.
  • The T16 doors have no sticky out handle, it's a little bubble at the end.
  • The T16 doors have no insert for window mechanisms / Glass windows and instead rely on poly windows.


What are the main differences between a T16 door and a 1.9 GTi door?  I ask because I'm doing a T16(bodied) build but don't want to use T16 doors and wondered if I'd have panels not aligning / indents in wrong place etc.


I don't care about the weight of the original doors, I'm happy with that weight to have "normal" windows.


Ta :)

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The Série 200 Turbo 16 used steel doors, no even alloy outer panels.


The Gr.B rules probably allowed the use of other materials for the race cars and the minimum weight was related to engine size so there was no need unlike for the oder Gr.4 cars.

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