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Heater Matrix replacement

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As per the thread title, just wondering what the current recommendation is from owners on here for a quality replacement / best place to purchase.


Had a look around and it seems there's a number on the market made by different brands (obviously with varying prices) with some being  just the matrix itself to others that seem to be a full kit including pipes, etc.


A couple of older threads on here seem to suggest trying to reuse the o.e hard pipes if they're in decent order / undamaged - is this still the case or would it be a case of a decent matrix including the pipes, seals, etc, should be a fit & not worry job?


Cheers :)

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Been about 10 years since I did one. Fitted a Valeo. It came with the pipes, which I used.

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Don't fit cheap ones, they never line up properly and the heater matrix heatsink fins are further apart, resulting is colder heaters.


Valeo were £30ish iirc

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After a bit of research online, i was split between the Valeo & Nissens but as MisterAuto were (might be still) running a promotion with up to 50% off certain parts this week, a Nissens matrix came in at £23 delivered which is a pretty decent saving & was delivered within 2 days from France.


The Nissens engine rad on my car has been decent so decided i might as well give that one a go for the matrix.  Complete kit comprising the matrix & all the fittings including the pipes, seals, etc, and thankfully in RHD fitment as i did find a few threads online about the much cheaper brands being supplied with LHD pipework.  Measurements match the Valeo unit exactly so no reason why it shouldn't fit without issues.

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Just a little update for anyone in the future searching for heater matrix threads.


The Nissens matrix rad itself is a great with no problems, as expected, however Miles did find that the lower pipe supplied with the kit is about 2mm short at the flange on one end and the bend in the pipe in the same part of the pipe is also a couple of degrees out of line compared to the standard pipe which means it's not a decent fit.


On that basis, if you do use a Nissens matrix, make sure you can either tidy up / re-use your original pipe or have a decent condition used replacement to hand (which is what Miles did in my case).

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