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How do you keep track?

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Hi guys, 

how do you keep track of your fuel level? I no longer have the fuel level gauge in the car.  The sender unit is however still in the tank. Could it be connected to some after market stuff without too much fuss? 



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This is a race car? 

I presume an aftermarket item will run fine with the sender unit, yes.

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Yes- race only.

Any one know a gauge which Would fit. 

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I've used the factory sender with a Racetech fuel gauge and an SPA dash cluster. https://www.merlinmotorsport.co.uk/p/racetech-electric-fuel-level-gauge-rtecfg


You can make it work with any gauge via a voltage divider circuit but it seems to work with the Racetech as-is.


It's very simple to wire a bulb to the low fuel level switch too.

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Great. Thanks. 

The bulb to low fuel level sounds even better. How is that done? 

Do you have a description for dummies :-) ? 



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I’ve got a voltage divider on mine. In theory it was suppose to give a 0-100% readout on the dash. Somehow it gives 10% increments, which is fine I suppose.

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Do you also use the Racetech gauge? 

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No, Racepak dash.

Edited by petert

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I can't remember if the switch goes to ground or live so you'll have to check.


But basically all I did was cut the wire from the original gauge cluster plug that goes to the warning light then I connected it to one side of a bulb and the other side of the bulb went to either ground or ignition switched live.

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I have none of the original loom left in the car. 


How is your Racetec gauge wired? I only have the two small wires which comes out of the tank. 


What kind of resistance is the Racetec using? 

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Isn't it a three pin connector on the tank sender?


The Racetech gauge needs + 12v, - ground and the signal (~, sine wave icon) wire runs to the sender in the tank then the other side of the sender (variable resistor/rheostat) goes to ground.


The pins on the sender in the tank are for the gauge, the light and a common ground so now I think about it the light will need ignition switched +12v then the switch will ground it through the common ground pin.

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It is a 3 pin connector. 




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OK so one pin is a common ground, one pin is for the gauge and one pin is for the light.


Get a multimeter on it and look for resistance, if the tank is empty you should see a low resistance between the gauge pin and the common ground and almost zero resistance (closed circuit) between the light pin and the common ground.

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