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sam jfm

BE4 reverse gear whine

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sam jfm



I am looking for some advice on what is a normal level of noise for reverse to make.


The gearbox is a BE4 with a Quaife CR gearset fitted.


The box selects all gears fine, no noise or resistance when selecting or moving.


The problem is, when the car is up on stands and you run the car in gear, the noise coming from reverse is biblical! It produces a very loud high pitched whine, something that I didn't expect even accepting that reverse is straight cut.


The concern is the difference in the noise in reverse between it being off the ground and on it. The box sounds normal when you move it in reverse.


And my question is, is this normal or to be expected? And if not, any suggestions as to its cause?


It only happens in reverse.


Best regards



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I've had a similar problem when not matching reverse gears correctly, as there are a few differences between the various BE1 & BE3 varieties. It was only when moving in reverse however, when the gears were meshed. Are you saying it happens when a forward gear is selected?

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there are a few variances on the tooth profile for reverse gear, and the idler is in constant mesh with the input shaft so if that has a mismatch then it could be the cause.

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sam jfm
11 hours ago, petert said:

I'v a similar problem when not  matching r everse gears correctly, as there are a few differences between the various BE1 & BE3 varieties. It was only when moving in reverse however, when the gears were meshed. Are you saying it happens when a forward gear is selected? 

It only happens when the gearbox is in reverse and the wheels are off the ground


When it is on the ground and in reverse it sounds fine


I cant work out why it changes so dramatically between being on the ground and off it

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sam jfm
8 hours ago, welshpug said:

there  are a few variances on the tooth profile for reverse gear, and the idler is in constant mesh with the input shaft so if that has a mismatch then it could be the cause.

Would that explain the difference in noise between on the ground and off

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If you compare the tooth profile of a BE3 / BE1 and BE4 reverse gear there are slight differences. The top land width varies between the various gearboxes.  If your gearbox is originally a BE4 and the original BE4 reverse gear has been refitted when the Quaiffe kit was fitted, I would suggest fitting a BE3 reverse gear.

The only difference between the car being off nad on the road would be the load being transmitted through the gera train ?

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sam jfm

I'm going to strip the box and have a look. 


Can anyone recommend where to get the bearings shims and end nuts from?


I will also look for a be3 reverse gear

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sam jfm

Any comments on the rebuild kits from ebay? I spoke to peugeot today and they're charging over £200 plus vat for the rebuild kit

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Used quite a few of them without issues, same brands as the oem bearings.

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sam jfm

They also talk about different style bearings for different be4 boxes. As I dont know what my gearbox originally came out of how do I know which ones I need?

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measure the bearings, most of them are the same as BE1-3, I think its higher torque applications like the EP6DT thp engines that have a smaller o.d 5th gear end output shaft bearing but thats specific to those casings.

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