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Under Bonnet Wiring Help Requested

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I don't think the grey plug in the shunt box is supposed to be there. I think that's the one the fan plugs into.

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Hi, thanks to all for the help.


I am still stuck with the grey plug. Some say it should go in the shunt box but I have a grey plug in there already? Some say it connects to a brown connector in the loom near to the inner wing? Confusing.


Could someone possibly check for me on a phase 2 car if there is a grey plug in the shunt box as well as another coming from the fan motor and connected elsewhere? If indeed there are two grey plugs then could someone show me where to connect the second one that does not go to the shunt box?


Once again many thanks for all the help so far.

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Tom Fenton
16 hours ago, Tom Fenton said:

The fan wiring is a small self contained section. Start at the thermoswitch on the radiator and follow the wiring from that and you should find the other end that the fan plugs into.

Do this, the fan wiring is really very simple.

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Leslie green

Had a look on my phase 2 1.9 and only 2 plugs in shunt box not 3 grey plug shouldn't be in there it should be plugged into fan wiring Grey plug .will get a pic up layer when I get home

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Assuming that no one has buggered around with the wiring (which looking at your pictures, someone has) then there should be three plugs in the shunt box - one for the injection loom, one for the fan, and one that runs to the main interior fuseboard.


All those should be black from memory - certainly not grey, which has been said above, is for the fan connection.  If you plug the fan connector into the shunt box and connect the battery, you'll let all the smoke out of the wires as you effectively ground the battery positive....

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Leslie green

Anthony is right there should be 3 plugs in there not 2 shown in my pic , my engine is out at present so injection loom is unplugged .

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Hi All


I took the grey plug out of the shunt box and connected it ti my other grey plug. Logical when you think about it. I don't remember putting they grey plug in to the shunt box but I guess I must have done when I initially stripped the car down a year ago.


Anyway all is connected and I now  have a live dashboard with no apparent short circuits under the bonnet. The car doesn't turn over yet but at least everything is connected as it should be. I will now investigate further as i have a good base to start from now.


Once again a huge thanks to all who assisted me with this problem. 

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On 2/23/2018 at 5:41 PM, Leslie green said:

39731919074_ae1f487986_b.jpg20180223_130410 by Leslie, on Flickr

Leslie on that fan resistor plug does the blue wire go to the center pin and the white one to an outer pin?

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Leslie green

Andy on that 3 pin plug the blue is to the outside and white in the centre ,looks like 2 blues and 2 whites .

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Oh great double wires lol ive only got single wires, even more difference.  Thanks Leslie big help

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