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Another high idle issue

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1 hour ago, Gaz205 said:

Yeah I wondered if it was that, possibly both.

ill get a 2nd opinion but a fair guess that it wouldn't hurt to change both. I'm guessing gaskets will be thin on the ground and O rings are just O rings 

thanks for that 

If your taking all the injectors out might be worth getting them professionally cleaned and the spray pattern checked. The seals could be done as part of the check.

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Thanks for the link Tom, it doesn't find a product. I've searched manually and no results either. Lots on eBay but for 1.9 only. I assume there's no difference? 


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yes it'll be the same.

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Make sure you get an intake gasket for fuel injection, there is a similar one available that blocks the injectors.


Also I would remove the inlet manifold from the engine first and THEN remove the injectors from the manifold. If you take the injectors off first and an end cap comes off an injector and drops into an inlet port you have a much bigger issue to deal with.

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Thank you both for that, I am hopeful this resolves it. 

something I can try and sort myself too


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232585397413 eBay item number looks about right ?

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Yes perfect.

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Gasket ordered and seals ordered


£11 in total... Bargain!!


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So, the gasket was knackered and seals rock hard... No change to the idle however.


i can't believe what was said before never computed with me as there is movement in the throttle stop arm, which reduces rpm to a perfect idle when moved.

however my mechanic said that all I need to do now it twist the throttle switch and that is that. I wondered afterwards why he didn't just do that.

my plan is to open the air screw, and wind in the throttle stop screw to achieve my idle and attempt to roughly set the tps by ear and then hopefully any further adjustments will be allowed via the air screw.

am I going far wrong with this? This sounds like what Tom suggested but I didn't grasp earlier in the thread

Edited by Gaz205

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Tom Fenton

Not sure what you mean by movement in the throttle stop arm. Either the throttle switch is badly adjusted and is holding the butterfly open, or there is s*ite inside the throttle body holding the butterfly open. The return springs are (should be if nothing else is at fault) sufficient to shut the butterfly totally onto the stop screw.

You need to really test the throttle switch electrically as well as set it up by click as they don't always make electrically these days.

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apologies I mean the throttle arm. I can apply pressure on that and the idle drops. I didn't know if that was being held in its position by the throttle stop screw or the tps? (Or the springs being at fault. The butterfly moves freely by hand and seems to close nicely)

im playing catch up with my knowledge of this but it won't beat me!


Edited by Gaz205

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it may be the tps holding the butterfly open.

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Would disconnecting the switch prior to any adjustment diagnose that?

im not with the car ATM, but hopefully tomorrow will get a crack at trying to adjust it


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My TPS failed on its closed throttle position , open and wide open positions tested ok with the multimeter but the throttle return spring was not strong enough to operate the internal microswitch  ( corroded contacts I presumed ) , if I closed the throttle firmly by hand it worked correctly .

The reason I was testing it was because my 309 GTI suddenly went from having a nice tickover to revving too high so I figured something had failed/changed . I replaced the TPS and set the 'click' correctly and no more problems .


You should test your TPS as in the Haynes manual , take it off the throttle body if you like and find a screwdriver that fits into the D nicely ( to turn it with ) then test across the terminals 2 + 3 + 18  as stated . Once you know its good you can refit it and get your throttle stop , your air screw and your TPS position 'click' juggled around till it ticks over correctly .

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This is now resolved, a man called Phil (age unknown but approx 117) has spent a couple of hours stripping, cleaning and adjusting and it runs like a dream.


he suspects TPS but setting everything up can't have done any harm.


amazing what can be done with knowledge, skill and patience.


and thanks again to everyone for their input 


Edited by Gaz205

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