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oil pressure gauge oddity

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Getting my 1990 1.6GTi  issues sorted bit by bit. The next very minor issue is a gauge that bounces about intermittently and drops to zero then back to normal. I know it's not a big deal, but would be interested as to why it happens. Checked oil level and although it burns a bit I am pretty sure it is not that. Any ideas? thanks in advance, Steve.

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poor connection somewhere.


depends on the age of the car, there may be a multiplug in the middle of the engine loom under the afm that can cause issues, also the terminal on the sender can come loose.

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Tom Fenton

I have also had sender units fail and work like this. About £25 aftermarket a bit awkward to change with the inlet on but do-able.

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Agreed it has to be a bad/loose/corroded connection, or dodgy sensor as Tom said. But from memory I thought aftermarket sensors were no good as they need to be a specific resistance or something like that, and most aren't the same as the Peugeot units (I'm maybe way off the mark here, I'm going from loose memory from years ago). So for example I fitted one on my Mi16 that came with a TIM gauge, and it worked fine connected to the TIM gauge but if you hooked it up to the original instruments the needle would go part way up the dial as soon as you put the ignition on, and so would read much higher with the engine running.

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Tom Fenton

The one I am talking about is an Intermotor direct replacement.

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On 12/14/2017 at 10:00 AM, Tom Fenton said:

The one I am talking about is an Intermotor direct replacement.

Certainly makes more sense :D

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Mine seems to dip and have a fit when I go to higher revs, could this be back emf from the ht leds causing the issue? I’m thinking the lead that goes from coil to the dizzy as it runs near on the phase two.

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Tom Fenton

It’s usually either a bad wiring joint somewhere or the sender is on its last legs. The low water sender on ph2 seem to suffer from HT interference sometimes but never the oil pressure in my experience. 

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