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Which way does the V6 drop in - same as XU box end down?

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Been messing with this for a few days now so just been wasting time and not really getting anywhere


Engine on crane, no gearbox, purchased a modified subframe, got thirdtimelucky's top mount, exhaust manifold all on. Bumper and front end all still on car


Just want to double check does the top mount have to be bolted on the engine already to drop in as I'm having trouble lining it up to the chassis rubber mount 


Main issue I'm having is apart from the above the rear of the exhaust is resting on the subframe, tried lifting/tilting but its not budging, when it does the collector flange hits on bodywork/firewall and lifting/tilting too much makes the timing belt cover/alternator hit front bodywork


Got an engine leveller and tried front to back left to right, even tried the XU box end down but no joy


Garage floor is not level so moving the crane around is a big issue but I don't think this is the issue with above


Plan was to use the purchased modified subframe as a template to cut my one but not sure if its me or the subframe


So which way does it drop in and what can you leave still attached but also can the manifold be taken off and put back on once in place, looks tight though ...




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Mine went under and up. Fitted subframe after

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Can someone also confirm where this spacer goes that was sitting loosely with the engine mount, so I'm guessing it is part of it?









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5 minutes ago, dcc said:

Mine went under and up. Fitted subframe after

Exhaust manifold/collector all attached beforehand as well?

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in as one lump, gearbox the lot, spacer goes on top of the rh engine mounting under the arm.


front panel needs trimming around the alternator iirc.


theres no chance youll be able to fit the exhaust after installing the engine and box

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11 minutes ago, welshpug said:

 rh engine mounting

rh mount = drivers side? (looking from front)

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Id even be tempted to fit the downpipe before putting engine in too. It was a twat to do in the car

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3 hours ago, Kambo said:

rh mount = drivers side? (looking from front)

Ignore that, was having a blonde moment  :lol:

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Engine mount snapped (well torn really) I did think it was a little bit too wobbly when taking the XU out, got another on order 


Will drop out subframe and bolt box on underneath then get roughly in position to work out bodywork mods 



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ade 4wd

Fit the subframe last. Remove battery tray and top gearbox mount (three bolts) and engine and gearbox can go in as one. Once both top mounts are fitted, support the engine so its level, then fit subframe.

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41 minutes ago, ade 4wd said:

Fit the subframe last. Remove battery tray and top gearbox mount (three bolts) and engine and gearbox can go in as one. Once both top mounts are fitted, support the engine so its level, then fit subframe.

Thanks Adrian 


I didn’t know that battery tray was removable, I assumed it was spot welded in or something as that’s quite a bit of weight it’s holding up


Will make life a lot easier now, cheers B)

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In from the top/Front, no problems at all with the box on, Exhaust I left to my exhuast man but up on the ramp access looked no worse than a GTi6 engine, If the subframe has been modded already then it should go in fine, I kept on chopping bits out until it fitted.

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Yeah this subframe I got does make it harder to drop the lump in the conventional way, its got strengthening plates just below the steering rack which prevent the manifold from dropping down too far


Will try the unconventional way as above



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