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Hi guys,


My 1.9 was running just fine until I asked someone to put a killswitch on it.

After that, the car just started whenever he wants. Used it several hours during one day, the next he wouldnt start. After 5 days it would start again


Yesterday it was a NO go day and I was messing around on the killswitch cables, the car started. Fixed the connections that were loose and thought I had figure out the problem.

Next day, the car wont start again.


I tried then to take out the kill switch but I might be lost now.

Can you please check the pictures and tell me if there's something wrong?

Thank you











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A bit hard to tell from the pictures exactly what has been done . Could you ask the person who installed the kill switch to explain what he did ? For instance, does the kill switch disable the starter motor ( via the starter solenoid) or does it disable the ignition whilst allowing the engine to turn over on the key, or does it do both? It could also cut power to the ecu, hence the need to chat to the person who fitted it.


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The engine is turning! The ECu was not affected. I just took out the 2 cables that were connected to the switch inside and joined the reds together as they were bypassed by the switch.

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I meant, the engine is turning as it always were, as I turned the key. But still not firing up for some reason. I bet on the wiring..

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As said it's hard to tell what's been done but to be honest it looks like some pretty dodgy soldering has been done . I'd start by checking that you're getting 12 v+ at the coil.

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With a regular multimeter right?

Oh dear I'll try that. Thank you all

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Or just a bulb with one wire grounded. But best with a multimeter.

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Please guys, help me figure this out. Before trying anything else on the car I tried to fire it up. It's working first try. I know for a fact that tomorrow or next day/week won't work. What the hell might be going on?

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I'm getting 12v on the coil. :(

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Are you getting a spark?

Quick thought, have you checked that the plug to the ignition amplifier hasn't been disturbed?

Edited by steve@cornwall

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I think so. How can I be sure?

The car starts in one day, doesn't on the next 5.

Today it started in the morning, didn't went anywhere just checked if it would cold start. It did right at the first time.

At the afternoon it doesn't anymore..

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Sounds like a loose connection. Check all the connections in the vicinity of the coil, and the condition of the wiring from the side of the distributor. If you've not already done so, get a proper connection on that + wire on the coil.

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I already checked that i'm getting 12V on the distributor. (measured in the tip of the cable that comes from the coil).

It has to be something else. (electrical i'm sure).

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Is there an immobiliser? Or is this what you call the 'kill switch' ? Do you have any kind of transponder on your key ring?

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Is there an immobiliser? Or is this what you call the 'kill switch' ? Do you have any kind of transponder on your key ring?

Nothing. The killswitch that was made I already took out. It was wired to the coil. I made the wiring without the killswitch and the car ran for a few days. So I believe it's something else.

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It must be annoying to say the least. Have you double checked the initial fix you did on the kill switch that you mentioned? Just to check that one of your repairs isn't loose, seems a shame that when you bypassed the kill switch it worked instantly and now it doesn't.

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Defiantly. Next step is to check for a spark. Then I'll have to go from there.

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Hi there guys. Just to update this topic, because someone else might run into the same crap I did.

I realised that the reason the car start one day and wouldn't in the next was related to the key. The way I was using the key to fire it off was the deal.

I realised that if I rotated the key normally, I would lose 12V on my fuel pump. When I wasn't turning it, the pump runs fine. Then if I only rotate it a little bit, it starts.

I found out the wire that was losing the 12V using the multimeter while turning the key, connected it to the battery directly and voila, I could turn the key completely and it runs just fine.

Now I just don't know how to fix it properly..


Do you guys have any idea what might be causing this?

Thanks in advance and I hope I could help someone here.



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replace the ignition switch.

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Replaced ignition switch and redid all the loom behind it.

it runs like a charm now.


thank you all for the help provided!


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