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Leslie green

Barn Find Laser Green 1.9 Gti.

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Leslie green
2 hours ago, welshpug said:

a fibre gasket will seal on that fine, its quite unlikely its warped.

Its not warped its corrosion where the water ports join it . I've sealed in 2 X M8 grub screws now in the head so it should be fine .The machine shop guy had to build a jig   to hold it steady on the surface grinder which is making it expensive due to time needed.


I have ohmed the solenoid contact wire all the way back to the brown 9 pin plug under the dash and its zero ohms . Not sure where it goes from there somewhere in the fuse box but I now thing there may be an issue at the ignition switch wiring as the gauges drop to zero and dash warning lights go out when you go from position 2 on the key to position 3 . It worked before I took it apart but that was many years ago. There are some dodgy looking connections in the fusebox where an alarm was probably fitted just taped them up for now as they are joined ok . There is a little brown single wire with a plug on going nowhere either not sure what its for yet if anything .

Will check the ignition switch wiring next week when back down .



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Not a huge amount to it, sometimes you’ll get that lights going off when trying to start if the earth is not securely fastened, but I’m sure you’ve checked all that. 

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Leslie green

Thanks Donald I've had a poke under the dash at the ignition barrel and found the offending wire which was no doubt cut for the alarm years ago and has pulled out when fitting back in. Just joined it for now and yes it spins over but the battery is done and that's probably why the dash gauges etc still go off as there isn't enough power now  

I also renewed nearly all the conduit while the inlet is off , more cleaning to do but will do later . Moving the conduit around so its not crossing over but its tight in there and the pas pipe is in the way too . Will cable tie together when I find some ties and used a little "super steel" metal filler to fill the pits in the inlet for now , it took very little and sanded it smooth , with the ports in the head now blocked it should be fine. With the conduit off found all the injector wires join together near the genuine mount as suspected.

    I got a new inlet gasket but its nowhere near the quality of the elring one I had fitted ,this came in a full gasket kit and has the silicon trace round the ports unlike the cheaper ones. I can't find it outside a kit on its own so will just reuse the one I had in , the engine never ran and there are no depressions in it , looks like brand new which it is .

    Having a problem with the sunroof cable its still not releasing one side but I think I must had put the 2 wires to the latches the wrong way round as the drivers side is too loose and the handle pin is under too much strain  so will check that at a later date.


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Leslie green

Put the inlet manifold on first and then tried to fit injectors , don't try this as the new  top hat  caps on the injectors are not as secure as the originals and will fall in , luckily I noticed as injector seal moved so got these lifted out but the top hat had fallen in on injector 4 which as luck would have it was the only  inlet valve  open and it went right in the cylinder . Doh ! 


I turned over the engine on the crank pulley a coupe of turns  and as I wasn't sure if it was actually in there as with the plug out I couldn't see it , I spun it over on the starter with the plug out to see if it would come out the plug hole . In my haste I forgot the spanner was still on the crank pulley and it wound  the crank bolt right out 2 inches . Fortunately the pulley stayed on and the woodruff key kept the belt from jumping the timing . I went home after that as things were going from bad to worse lol


New day and went down to my mechanic mate who lent me a cheap borescope and sure enough it was in there ! After about 2 hours and trying a length of thin hose on the hoover and dropping in multiple times  I got it moved around under the plughole and one of those 3 legged grabber tools got a hold of it but it was slightly too big for the plughole but in the end a good shove had it out .


Checking the timing was still ok and now all back together so went for a start at last , first noticed the fuel pump fuse was 30 amp much too big so fitted a 15 amp I found , cranking away no start , plug out earthed to cam pulley cover good spark so fuel issue. Metered the fuse I put in and it was blown fitted another and it soon fired up , the replacement fuse had been a dud I had lying around lol.


Running for first time since 2017 !!!


     Saw fuel dripping under the fuel filter lower banjo , why is it always the hard to reach one lol ? so tightened the banjo but it still leaking a very little now  so need looked at again. After that ran it up to temp , oil pressure to first bar at idle when warm , 3/4 of gauge when cold . The fan kicked in ok and raised the idle to 800 as was too low .

    There is a little bit of a dull squeak which i though was the alternator at first but took the belt of and its still there and sounds like the cam area so took of the tin cam cover as i though the inner was rubbing as its close to the oulley and moved it back as far as I could , its not there all the time so I dunno whats up .


     The cheeky tophat lol 



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Leslie green

The brake  fluid cap pin was stuck down but appears to have sorted itself out with the heat so onto the sunroof and no matter what I do the cable seems 1/2 inch too short and the tension on it is way too tight and the clip pings of the pin . I thought the 2 wires to each latch were on wrong way round but they are both same length so its not that . Its the original cable , latch is new but they are all the same . stuck wit that one for now .... The pulley can really only go in one place and the cables the same and the cable can't have shrank , confused .com ......

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Leslie green
Posted (edited)

Bit more done , Realigned passenger door as was dipping at the back and then final fitted and bonded the wings on with Wurth "bond and seal" and fitted the bumper after dyeing it  and today the yellow driving lamps with replica siem lenses which seem identical to the real glass. Have manged to get a decent bumper to wing gap after much adjusting , the left side was very tight on the bumper iron and I didn't realize till later the towing eye was bent over and putting tension on the spoiler ( I bend it ratchet strapping to it collecting it in 2017 ) and will need bending  back . 

      I had old headlamp bumper rubber seals but they split as soon as I tried to remove them so new ones ordered.  One of the headlight adjuster screw the plastic has split so took the adjuster lever out of a spare opposite side and its different and no use , they must have changed and use a bigger roll pin etc. The other side the adjuster screw is very loose so not much better . Decent bit of progress though .

   Have bought 2 dim-dip resistors now and they both appear to be duds , only 2 pins are used of the 3 so I assume there should be a resistance between these too , anyone know what it is ?


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chris 417 mi

Looking good ! Any more progress ? wont be too long and it will be moveable !

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Leslie green

Trying to get a windscreen sorted at the minute but not having much luck ,glass place looking to order one in. ,headlights and horn fitted now indicators don't work again plus 1 driving light,may have upsdt the earth again .

Passenger seat subframe removed and bar welded back on. 

Looking into getting some new red strips as a good few are damaged and 3 missing

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8 hours ago, Leslie green said:

Trying to get a windscreen sorted at the minute but not having much luck ,glass place looking to order one in. ,headlights and horn fitted now indicators don't work again plus 1 driving light,may have upsdt the earth again .

Passenger seat subframe removed and bar welded back on. 

Looking into getting some new red strips as a good few are damaged and 3 missing

I have 3 new windscreens in stock. Would need to be collected

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Leslie green

Should be able to get one over here hopefully  as getting it over would be expensive 

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13 hours ago, Leslie green said:

Should be able to get one over here hopefully  as getting it over would be expensive 

If your stuck, I'm about 90 mins from holyhead

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Leslie green

I rang just now he says give him another few days .

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Leslie green

Good news the local glass supplier has managed to get me a new bronze windscreen but it had to be back ordered from the mainland so took a few days as there are none over here in Norn Iron. It was fitted today and the rear bonded in , both seals were new the front coming from the Peugeot museum and the rear of ebay non genuine. I  got the headlining fitted while I was waiting , it just needed the rear plastic rails glued with contact adhesive along where they had started to come off the lining and got the  the passenger seat back in  and all the Green seatbelts (out of 205 trio)  in properly . Got the last front arch on too today. The black trim on the doors need on before the outer weather strips and get the doorcards on and lights too all work and a few smaller job and we are near to  getting to Mot.


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Leslie green

Quick Question Should the bulbs in the FRONT  indicators be orange or clear in a phase 2 cars with clear indicators , despite being new they seem a bit dim with clear bulbs ? Maybe that's how they are and I don't remember seeing any old orange bulbs before but it was a long time ago.

In other news I  moved it outside and the gearknob fell apart in my hand ! 


Any advice on fitting the black vinyl on the door frames  should I spray water to help it slide into place or not ?

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Leslie green

Thanks Paul few more jobs done , vinyl on B pillar , only a few wrinkles lol , outer door seals on  , 1/4 window seals changed and new dome nuts on the glass   , rear fog loom swapped out for a better one ,had to remove bumper then 2 lower straps riveted on , A pillar trims on and new number plates . 

Tried to book an mot online and reg not recognised,  will have to ring up and see if I can get it sorted.

Needs lights set and co and washer pump isn't getting any voltage so needs sorted , stalk might be faulty not sure.

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Tom Fenton

Often the wiring from the washer pump really suffers from corrosion to the copper. More than once I have had to cut it back to near the bulkhead to find wire that is still good copper, and then re wire it.

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Leslie green

Thanks Tom I hadn't  considered that will check it out .

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Tom Fenton
14 hours ago, Leslie green said:

Thanks Tom I hadn't  considered that will check it out .

It can be a bit deceptive, checking voltage with no load applied (eg pump not connected) you may see near to battery voltage which makes you think the wiring is OK and it should work.  With the load applied and hence a current draw you can be down to a couple of volts which isn't enough to make the pump work. If yours is like that it won't be the first or the last!

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Leslie green

Got the car on the mot online system , airbox and pipes on , wipers painted satin black  , scuttle trim plastic  ends welded ,cut bits of the  right angle piece on the end of my old one , drilled in wrong place , re welded , dropped and 1 corner broke off again , re welded now ok and co set to 1.5% , idle is about 1100 rpm and doesn't want to come down but not too worried at the minute . The other driving lamp has now went out in sympathy with the first one and the rear wiper doesn't work at all , it may never have and I suspect the speedo doesn't work either  but with only approx  10m to test it  there its hard to tell , most likely the cable isn't in right I suspect.


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