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O/s Drive Shaft Centre Bearing.

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I was wondering if the centre bearing on the O/S drive shaft was the same for the 1.6 and 1.9 drive shafts?I think mine is noisy.There is a tiny amount of play in it and the noise has got more noticable since i changed the lower mounting for a solid one.My car has got 1.6 drive shafts and there is a bearing available on ebay with these dimensions:30x55x13.Thanks Rob

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yep, exactly the same for all be shafts till the later ew engined vehicles.


its a standard bearing but i don't recall the code, very cheap if you dont buy it listed as for the driveshaft

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yep, exactly the same for all be shafts till the later ew engined vehicles.


its a standard bearing but i don't recall the code, very cheap if you dont buy it listed as for the driveshaft

Thanks for info.Just ordered one,£9.99 inc postage.

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crikey, i got 3 for that! just checked and its a 6006 bearing.

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Hi, I was wondering if TU1M 205 cars with MA gearbox also have a 6006 bearing on the right side driveshaft? If not what bearing should I buy for a replacement on an MA gearbox car.


Regards, Maarten

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they are not listed as a separate part for an MA 205, however when you look up 106 206 etc with MA boxes they do indeed use the same part as the XU/BE shafts.


easy to confirm, measure the shaft diameter, OD of the bearing and the width, a 6006 is 30x55-13

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Thanks for that Mei. I'm going to buy that 6006 bearing and some steel tubing to properly install that.

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