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Where To Connect Those Wires?

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Hello, I have two wires that are not connected. Anyone knows where should they be connected?


1. Wire coming from the back of the gearbox:


IMG_20161012_181603.jpg IMG_20161012_181619.jpg
2. Wire comming from the bunch of wires bellow ignition coil:
IMG_20161012_181510.jpg IMG_20161012_181528.jpg


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Number 1 is the crank sensor, it is only used for diagnostics by Peugeot dealers using a now obsolete device, it provides the RPM signal. Normally it is just held on top of the cam cover by a tag. As it is not used you can safely remove it.


Number 2 looks like the wire for the oil temperature sender, look on the oil sump near to the drain plug and you should find a sensor with a wire missing.

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I have other wire connected to the oil temperature sensor. Now I see that the connector No. 2 is alike the one from the brake pad sensors. However, then I have the wire missing from the right side, where should it come from?

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On right side (on my car at least) it comes along from the front of the car (near spotlight wiring) and probably ran behind plastic splash guard (that I fell out with and threw away in a rage haha)

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