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[Car_Upgrade] Yet Another Mi16 1.9 Build

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Thanks. That what the Emerald guide prescribes too.

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Checked. Bang on. Just worked out why it is 114.5 degrees, even though tdc is 75degrees behind the missing tooth. It will be because the crank sensor is 39.5 degrees ahead of the tdc reference marker .Doh. Should have worked this one out before .

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Thought I would post a small update. Engine is up and running and ready for a drive at least to the MOT station . The interior has come on, with seats fitted, although that was a bit of a hassle using after market Cobra recliners on to which I wanted to use the o.e runners and tilt mechanism. Some 80x6x440 mm steel did the trick with a bit of drilling and tapping . The arch trims have taken an afternoon, partly because it took me a while to sort out what clips went where. To add to the complication, doors had no holes for the rivets of the trim clips, so masking tape, ruler and some careful measurement required for that job. Once I have the trims in place, followed by the door cards, I am just about ready to venture as far as the test station.






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I have spent the last few days, on and off, fitting the trims. Doors were a bit of a challenge as they had no holes in them for the rivets so some masking tape and careful measuring and marking required. Just about the fit the last door trim, and because I am a bit of a prat really I have the Mi16 rear quarter badges rather than the 1.9 . For cards next, billed the rear brakes ( again), check that everything works and then book an mot.



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MOT day today and test passed without drama. Now taxed too so on the road. Small oil leak traced to the dipstick tube ( I thought it was the sump and had a brief panic ) and the coilovers need some Spoox top mounts suitable for o.e top mounts and bearings . They should arrive tomorrow. Then a trip to the rolling road for some mapping and I will have a car I can drive. Phew.




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A stunning car, well done.

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Thank you Peter. I am grateful to you for all the help and advice you have so freely given. I am going to build another XU9J4 engine for a friend in the next couple of months, and then this winter set to on your plan of the Xu10 engine with 88mm crank and 86.5/87 mm bore . Apart from a mod to the pedal box to get the master cylinder to clear the cam cover, the installation should be a replica of what I already have with the XU9J4 head on the iron block . This time I will take your advice on the cams!


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I think you'll still enjoy the engine in your 205. The XU9J4 cams are bigger than most standard cams anyway. Certainly bigger than GTi6. Thus the reason the XU9J4 put out 160hp back in 1989 when most struggled to crack 140hp out of a 2L.

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yet Honda were making 160 from a 1600 ;)


though no torque :lol:

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Oh. I plan to enjoy it Peter and do appreciate that, at the time , the Peugeot engineers did a decent job on the head to get 160hp from 1.9 litres without additions like VVT etc. The long term attraction of the bigger capacity is a significant torque increase whilst still retaining the flow capacity( and hence the rpm potential) of the XU9J4 head . That, however, is for the future!

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Minor updates. First is the coilover suspension. Really pleased with the spring rate (140lb/in) but not with the rotation of the strut which was trying to rotate the spring too. Problem fixed with a pair of string top mounts from Spoox which fit over the 2 1/4 spring and seat the o.e top bearing above .

Second is the lower rear engine mount. I have a BBS solid mount . Much too much vibration transmitted into the Cabin so I am about to try a standard mount but I will rotate it by 90 degrees to try to limit the fore aft movement as I do not want too much driveline shunt .




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Is it the solid rubber lower mount or solid alloy? If its the solid rubber give it 1000 miles before you change it as they soften up.

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Tom Fenton

As above. The rear mounts do settle down. I'd say persevere with it for a bit.

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Solid rubber . O.k it will give it a few weeks , but will give it a stern warning whilst I am doing that sides strut!

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Off to the rolling road today for some mapping. I will post some data on my return. I just hope nothing breaks!

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Good luck Andy, with the quality of work you have put into this I'm sure everything will be fine, intrigued to see the figures mate and hope it all comes together for you.

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Good luck Andy, with the quality of work you have put into this I'm sure everything will be fine, intrigued to see the figures mate and hope it all comes together for you.


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Well.Just returned from Dynotac in Ripley, Derbyshire. Excellent place. Husband and wife team. He is thoughtful, helpful , generous with his time and clearly both experienced and bright.

I had a thoroughly enjoyable drive home!! For those who like headlines, it made 171.1hp at 7200rpm. It has the usual Mi16 hole in the torque curve between 2750rpm and 3400rpm , but the hole seems more pronounced as the gradient of the torque curve between 2000rpm and 2750rpm is significantly greater than thereon upwards from 3500rpm, which exaggerates the hole somewhat. Torque than falls away from 6000rpm. Given that the engine is completely standard save the c.r increase and the bodies and ecu, 171hp and a peak torque of around 134ft.lb sounds respectable, although these peak figures are less important to me than the way the engine picks up from tickover and pulls smoothly, which it does.

Graphs below.

Whoops same graph twice, so now there are three!





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looks respectable enough for a standard engine certainly, I'd imagine the cam timing is a little off standard as the peaks are so high, a little advance can fill the hole lower down.

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Ah. Forgot that bit. Inlet is advanced with a no4 wheel so I think it is 110 rather than 114 , or have I mis -remembered that and no 4 gives 106 . Either way, the inlet is advanced . Funnily enough, the ' hole ' is not discernible if I accelerate steadily through that rev range . Perhaps it would be at WOT

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A No.4 pulley gives a peak of around 108 degrees atdc on a standard non-skimmed mi head.


Glad you're happy with your engine.

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Thank you. That's what my inlet will be set at then. Yes. Satisfied. Pleasant engine to drive , which is what I set out to achieve. In the long term, I may hanker after something a bit more dramatic, but for now I will just enjoy it.!


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Because I am curious, I just looked up Peter T's site. The no 4 cam wheel advances a further 5 degrees beyond the three degree advance produced by the no 3 wheel, hence 106 degrees advance in total , relative to the no 2 wheel which gives the 114 degrees. All utterly academic . I also checked up on the o.e specifications for this engine. Power was indeed 158 hp and peak torque of 130ft.lb at 5000 rpm. So, according to my figures, my peak torque is up on standard but at a significantly higher rpm and at 5000rpm I am down on the o.e spec. Only snag I suppose is that the figures are all subject to scaling depending upon how the rolling road has been calibrated and how the transmission losses are estimated to,give flywheel hp. Ideally, one would have two vehicles with identical tyres and transmissions, one with an o.e Mi16 installation , and then compare the shape of the torque and hp curves . Or, get in the car, turn the key and not worry about data!


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Do you have a dial indicator? Confirming your lift at tdc and peak lift atdc will answer a few questions.

It's certainly easy to retard the timing when tensioning up an mi. Having a #4 pulley fitted doesn't guarantee ~108atdc peak lift!


But as you've said, if you're happy with the engine, leave it alone and enjoy it!

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The #4 pulley rips the inlet around pretty hard. I doubt it's 108. I've seen 107. They're great to use with aftermarket cams, if they're ground "straight up". The #4 will definitely hurt the top end power with a standard cam. Just drive it and enjoy your hard work.

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