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1.8 Stdt Injector Seals

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Hi, two of my injectors have started leaking and I'm planning to just replace all 4 copper washers whilst I'm at it, I've phoned my nearest Peugeot dealer and they really weren't helpful, said I had to order a minimum of 50, gave me the size they should be - 7.2mm X 13.6mm X 0.4mm, I don't think the guy really knew to be honest, and he wouldn't give me the part number for some reason. I've looked on eBay for some but no one can tell me if they are the right ones for sure. I'm going to try and get a vernier gauge to measure the ones that are in it but will they have changed size being squashed?


Can anyone help? It's a L reg 205 STDT.



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try a different dealer, I've never had issues with injector seal quantities.


a diesel injection specialist may be able to help too, afaik all xud's use the same washers and fire seal.

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1981 02






DIAM 7,2X13,6-0,4


1981 05






DIAM 15,6X21,2-2,2




the first is the steel pressed fire seal, the second is a copper sealing washer.


will be about 55p for 198102 and 1.19 for 198105

Edited by welshpug

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Thanks alot welshpug, think there may be another pug dealer an hour away from me I'll try them!

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Probably best to call them and ask who has stock, there are a few dealers that do post stuff, dont forget citroen, same part numbers.

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Will do, thanks for the help ????

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