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Help! Car Won't Start

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Telf that's what I've done today... But still no brakes...

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If they're soft all the time it's air, unlikely to be servo

As Telf said it can be a mission or in your case a nightmare, you have to keep bleeding until all bubbles have stopped

It's not a lot of fluid in the circuit so just one big bubble can balls it up

Did piston fall out of master cylinder when you changed servo?

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If you press the pedal down and hold it there does it stay firm at the end of its travel or slowly sink?

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Telf no piston never came out... It went back as it should as far as I know...

Jack with out looking again I think it stays firm..

Looks like I will have to bleed again..

Edited by Barryboy85

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Its down to personal preference but the £20 a Gunsons easibleed kit cost is some of the best money I have spent on tools , no more of that pedal pumping while opening and closing the nipples .You should get an even flow of fluid out of each nipple with bubbles at first then quite quickly just clear fluid .

Why did you change the servo in the first place , I would say your master cylinder may be knackered and that may have been the original fault but has now been compounded by an unsuitable ( smaller dia )replacement which might also be no good .

I have bought new Bendix or Motaguip master cylinders for about £20 so it might be worth changing that as well .

If you still have the original servo it might be worth comparing with the new to see any differences , the correct hole in the pedal should have some evidence of wear .

Edited by hoodygoodwood

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Hoody I changed the servo as it was leaking air... Hissing all the time...that has now gone but obviously no brakes...

I might try a better bleeding kit first then a a new mc and then a new servo..

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Quick update...I purchased a gunsons easy bleed kit cleared out the old fluid first ,then in with the new... And success... I now have brakes again... Excellent piece of kit and so simple...

Would also like to thank everyone for there suggestions and help... Thanks guys ????

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