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Locally made Argo. Despite being 10mm longer, they're 150g lighter than oem XU10J4.

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Looked like quality at least from the pics.


Can't remember the weight of the Crower ones in the NA engine, but I know the Pauters are a bit heavy in the T16.

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10 hours ago, B1ack_Mi16 said:

What make of rods is this?

Yes please, I'd like to know to....


Looking great Pete, cant wait to see it all back together again and running...


All the best mate,



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9 hours ago, petert said:

Locally made Argo.

Nice,,, really really nice.

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They're fully engineered rods, designed for 9500 limit, on a NA engine. They even supplied full supporting bending moment & buckling calcs. The drawing is 1st angle projection though, so British. That gave me a giggle. We've been 3rd angle since AS1100 was introduced, many moons ago.

Screen Shot 2019-10-20 at 6.47.35 pm.png

Screen Shot 2019-10-20 at 6.46.18 pm.png

Edited by petert

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Tom Fenton

Must be an old school draughtsman, I was taught in 3rd angle projection over here 20-odd years ago.


Some folk are reluctant to change! A pal of mine who is a British guy who went to work for a big gearbox firm in the states tells a funny tale of American designers who'd been told they must work in metric, but lo and behold everything was 12.7mm or 19.05mm etc, as you'll no doubt recognise from those numbers straight away, all they were doing was carrying on in imperial and just converting whatever came out the other end to metric as the last step.

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162mm rods . Wow . They are quite long.piston compression height must be around 28mm. Piston make Peter?


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Is 1st angle projection british? Then why are us French using it too :blink:

As for imperial vs metric it's not that easy when your tools and materials are from the other system, you can see it here with these metric rods using 3/8 UNF blots.

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9 hours ago, Andy said:

162mm rods . Wow . They are quite long.piston compression height must be around 28mm. Piston make Peter?


29mm. I don't like to mention the pistons. They're crappy Wossner, which I bought cheap but had to spend to spend a million hours on fixing the pockets. Even then, if you look carefully at the exhaust side, you can see some wasted cuts that wouldn't clean up.


Further on the drawing, the plan and elevation (is that the correct terms in 1st angle?) don't even line up correctly. I should have given it a mark and asked him to resubmit.

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It's a client approval drawing, at this point a digital design may just be a crude mock-up or not exist at all.

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Off course. You posted the saga some time ago. 

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A set back today. I bolted the head down and put the cams in, belt, pulleys etc. Before I started on the cam timing, I thought I'd better check the valve clearances one last time. Bugger me if it didn't pull all over the place this time. Anyhow, the only choice is head off, remove the offending valves and shorten them a bit.

Edited by petert

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How come the clearances will change upon final mounting?
Guess nothing should distort as much as beeing an influence on the clearances really?

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This is a real bugger. I spent an age setting my valve clearances on the bench and got them all bang on. Bolted the head down and , almost as an afterthought,  checked  the clearances. All over the place . Cams out and started all over again. I know this happens on the 8V but not the 16v head. But it does .Loading up the head casting seems to settle the head and alter the valve clearances. Peter, do I assume that you are not using shims to adjust your clearances, hence the need to remove the valves and alter the stem length? In which  case, my sympathy. And this is from a man who has just spent four days of his life decorating the kitchen !

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I haven’t really got my head around it. The same head previously, with shims, was lucky to change half a thou. Now I’m seeing up to 0.004”’, no shims.

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4 thou is a lot. However, I ended up shaving up to three thou from some of my shims and replacing others with  thicker ones. What completely baffled me is why some closed up and others opened . 























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Valves have been tipped, head is back together and ready to bolt on. I wonder if the gasket will pull down ok?


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What you mean by they were tipped?

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Is that a copper gasket? Looks like it has been through a tumble dryer:-)

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6 hours ago, B1ack_Mi16 said:

What you mean by they were tipped?

I removed a few thou off the ends of the valves where the clearances were too close. It was a copper gasket. It was impossible to remove cleanly after being stuck down with 1211.

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7 minutes ago, petert said:

It was a copper gasket. It was impossible to remove cleanly after being stuck down with 1211.

A gentle run-in with the knock-o-meter should sort that gasket out.

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After such a treatment it would do great as Christmas tree decoration. :-) 

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15 hours ago, petert said:

I removed a few thou off the ends of the valves where the clearances were too close.

Very,very nice Pete,,,



Edited by opticaltrigger

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I've had the 205 at a local fabricator, having a turbo manifold and downpipe built. Normally work I like to do myself, however for the money it's just not worth my while. I'm really pleased with his efforts. It's twin scroll, if you can manage to trace the paths. Next task is to pull it all apart and get the pipes ceramic coated. And of course save up for a new gearbox and stronger driveshafts.









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Looks good, what power levels are you expecting from it?


I didn't think you were turboing the track car though?

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