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What Exhaust Manifold?

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Im looking for a manifold to fit my alloy 1.9 mi16 xu9 engine in a 205, I have searched on here and I cant find anything recent. I see that a few people recommend maniflow, are these still the best to get?


Thanks. Paul.

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Yes, 4-2-1 from Miles.

I've had one on mine for 12 years!

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Yep either see my Ebay shop link, Website and drop me a message,

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4-2-1 is next on my list.

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or get the touring car spec long primary ones for more midrange - dave at maniflow will make you one... see my engine build thread for a comparison graph to the standard maniflow one.

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The XU9J4 Mi16 and the XU10J4 mi16 engines use the same exhaust manifold?


I'm sure I can remember the XU10 engine being taller needs the D/P bent differently ?

Edited by surferkid205
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The manifold is basically the same on the 1.9 Mi16, 2.0 Mi16 and the GTi6, minor differences are for the height (Although maniflow state (Or did last time I looked) it fits both) as the alloy block is the shortest, the 2.0 just use a different flange for off the shelf items,

Customs ones are that and of course cost more too

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On a seperate note do your 205 gti6 manifolds fit with a satchshift? I see people on the 306 site having issues with maniflow manifolds and satchshift a on a 306 so wondering is it similar on a 205 as my next intended mod is one of your manifolds as it did wonders on the dyno on my old 306

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I have a Pug Racing manifold on my 1.9MI and a Satchshift with no clearance problems.

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I'm getting one from Miles over the next few days... :)

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I have never used a Satchshift nor any forthcoming plan's but thanks Graham for the info on the Mi but as the GTi6 manifold is pretty much the same it stands a good chance of being fine, the 306 manifolds (Race) are allot larger, well twice as big as instead of 2 downpipes 4 are used and goto 2 under the car past the subframe.

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