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Which Wheel Hub Do I Have On This Gti?

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I have just purchased a UK 205 GTi which is rare here in OZ. I was thinking of changing to 306 brakes but need to know which hubs this UK car has. I would hate to buy lower spec hubs to find out i have the correct ones for a 306 conversion anyway :{


The car is a early 1988, rear discs, 130hp motor, grey and red striping upholstery. no power steer. 14" Pepperpot wheels.


Any tips most appreciated.

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Did you measure the offset as Welshpug suggested?

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No.... i didnt see that post reply from Welshplug thus i re- posted this in another section. Somehow my previous question just got lost ??

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Thanks for that Alistairh.... i had just found that article at the same time as you posted it. Cheers again :}


On reading the below it seems that my 1.9 UK Gti can ONLY have the hub for an immediate early 306 brake upgrade without even checking offsets as Welshplug suggested thus no need to use base model hub and carrier as it is exactly the same it appears. In short....simply direct fit the early 306 disc and caliper items...job done !!


205 Front Hub Differences, What Brakes Fit, Etc
Feb 25
Because a base model hub is the same offset as the larger bearing 1.9 hub, any "big brake" upgrade mentioned can also be used on your base model 205, however it is worth bearing in mind the additional weight, both unsprung and rotating, of such upgrades and their effect on suspension efficiency, and whether you do need such leverage or would a decent friction material be more than up to the task (typically, they certainly would be)
2013 11:43 PM | welshpug in Brakes, Suspension & Steering

The larger bearing hub found on the 1.9 has 25 splines, and an 24x1.5 hub nut, typically 35mm across flats, original type have a castellated cover and an R-clip, however there are aftermarket shafts with staked nuts as well.

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