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Brown Plug

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any idea what this brown plug is for its on a 205 gti 1.9 at the rear of the engine under the coil ? As I can't find the wires for the temp gauge and warning light could these be it


Edited by Kev20569

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Yes, and starter motor solenoid, alternator/battery light, oil temp, oil pressure etc. Do a a search for brown multiplug as it has been discussed endlessly over the years.

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whilst it is "a brown multiplug" it doesn't follow the same layout as mid year 205's with their 7 pin plug, this is an E-reg so only has the three pin plug. there should be a matching female plug with the wires continuing on to the senders.

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There is no female plug but there are 2senders on the head without wiring ie the temp gauge and warning light

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Ignore my post, there was no photo when I posted so I didn't realise it was an earlier model.

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Tom Fenton


There is no female plug but there are 2senders on the head without wiring ie the temp gauge and warning light

I think you will also find the oil temp sender on the sump has no wiring to it either. From memory the red and the yellow go to the water temp senders and the white down to the oil temperature.

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