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What Is The Best Camshaft For The 1.6 B6D Engine?

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Hi all,


I'm searching for the best camshaft for the 1.6 b6d engine. I'm looking for more power but still nice for road use. And i'll won't change the engine ;-)


Any suggestions?


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What's the spec of the rest of the engine? Standard management? A camshaft alone won't make a huge difference its a combination of mods that you will get the benefits. Raise the compression, port, 3 angle valve seats, carbs, bodies etc.

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I have a maximum skimmed head ready to istall for more compression.

Further an orignal b6d 115hp enigine.

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What i have read is that the turning point of drivebillity is camshaft with duration of 270-280° on the stock setup.

When you go wilder then that the AFM causes problems...


Personaly i'm rechaerching the original125bhp pts kit.

For as far as the reactions go, this was also the tipping point of a comfortabel cruiser.


I'll soon start rebuilding the engine of my 84 gti.

My first step will be scimming the head and fitting bigger valves.

The early 105 bhp 1.6 blocks have smaller valves and a milder camshaft then the 115bhp engine.

The 115bhp engine suposely uses the same valves as the 1.9 blocks.

I'll start looking for bigger valves for my build, preferebly of a 2l as they are even a little bit bigger then the1.9l valves.

As soon as i have the spec of the 115bhp and 125bhp cams i'll be using this as a guide to pick my camshaft, keeping the magical 270° number in mind.

Everthing above this needs carbs or trothlebody's and only for race/Rallye use.


Other easy mods are air filter and exhaust.

It will make the engine breath a bit better.

You will notice the improvement in respons a bit, But don't expect to much out of it...

I think the sound will get the most profit out of these 2 mod's.


Love to follow thuis thread.

Edited by 205tunerke

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Do you have technical specs on the rare 125pk pts kit?

To bad it only shows the difference in performance of 1.6 engine's.

Stroke etc are all the same.

Knowing the stock cam is 230° and that the 1.9 gr.a cams are 250° and not suitable for stock use(just found the old topic), there is much that can be won here...


Anyone tried a 1.9 cam in a 1.6 engine before?

As the tech sheet shows longer duration for the 1.9...

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I tried a 1.9 cam in a 1.6 and it was terrible, car felt very flat, i wouldn't advise it personally.

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indeed, I have experienced the same combination, it seemed very flat, so as always, its about more than just the numbers.

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That may well be caused by the 2 mm smaller lift the 1.9 cam has, restricting the engine of breathing normaly...

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I have asked at the Dutch Peugeot service for the 125hp kit for the 1.6GTI a year ago. They didn't find anything via the regular Peugeot channels.

Is this still available then? Is the main difference the camshaft in this kit?

If i understand correct the 270° cam is the best for the 1.6GTI?

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Responses here on forum turned out a 1.9 is not able tot run stock management With original 250° pts max torque cam.

How wild jou can go with1600 US ING stock i don't Know.


Since an original cam has about 230° duration there isn't much room to tinker with in a 1.9...


1.6 is more rev-friendly due to shorter stroke...


I have a local bloke here that should have tech sheet 125bhp kit.

Will post it as soon as i have it.


Kit consisted off


Val es

Valve springs




Few bitts and pieces


Attached all i have on 125 kit at the moment.

Notice they use the 84 earl 85 head...











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Got my hands on a tech sheet.

Seems the pts kit used a cam identical to the later xu5ja 115bhp 230°cam.

Or actualy the cam was so good they used it in there later production models.


The pts kit used 41.6mm inlet valves, 34.5mm exhaust valves.

These valve sizes can be found in late model 1.6 or in 1.9 engines.


Further more they changed the Angle of the valveseats.

And they beefed up the compression ratio from 9.8/1 tot 10.3/1.


Other sparkplugs: champion s 6 yc

And a special head gaskett.

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Really nice to read this info Koen. So Peugeot managet to gain 10 hp with raised compression and changed angle of the valve seats compared to the b6d 115hp enginge?

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Bigger valves, other sprak plugs and other ignition timing to.

If you send me your mail adres, i'll send you the tech info wich you can compare to the tech spec in a Hayes manual...

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The 105 BhP engine died at 6250 rpm probably by black of breath...

Keep in mind the 125bhp kit:

They used valves large enough to run later Models 1.9 engines

They used 2mm more lift then on a 1.9 cam with the same duration!

If a1.9 could breath good on these spec, imagine how good a 1.6 with 2mm more lift would breath...

The engine's crompression ratio was improved...


The short stroke plus great breathing allowed it to run vivvetly up to the rev-limiter...

If you take a look at pictures above you notice the 125 bhp has not reached it's turning point jet, just stopped by rev limited.

So a 125 bhp setup without rev limited could reach even higher figures ( nog verry much more, but still imagin...).

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So Peugeot managet to gain 10 hp with raised compression and changed angle of the valve seats compared to the b6d 115hp enginge?

Totally. The big, wide, single cut seats in the standard 8V head are great for reliability but aren't conducive for making hp. I gave mine just a 3 angle cut and a skim and picked up 200 rpm down the straight at my favourite race track many years ago.


Valve sizes are easy.

105hp engine, both 1.6 and 1.9L, have small valves. The rest have big valves.


You could put the Grp A cam in a 1.6L. Just make sure you time is correctly, ie 106 LCL and check for spring bind. You also need 11:1 CR however, which may be difficult to achieve without flat top pistons. I'm sure it would rev to 8000 easily.

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@kachel: they Also changed the rev limit up to 7000rpm

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Very usefull information, thanks a lot guys!

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"Kachel" if you want more info, contact me 205tunerke@hotmail.be

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a rare article ( in dutch) about the pts kit.

found in a dutch magazine "auto kampioen" from june 85.

a friend of mine had it laying arround.


it basicly says that kit only improves breathing of the engine, so it doesn't have to lose the comfort in low revs despite winning 20bhp and winning a second in 0-60mph.

if the kit was installed by a dealer, factory waranty was still valid.

futer more it came with an aditonal waranty of 12months for the kit, if factory waranty was void...






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Very interesting this topic...


I own 205 GTi 1.6 115 ps (XU5JA), the engine was completly resealing, cylinder head was restored, new ignition components...Engine is runing really well, but I have few questions:


-What is your max. usable revs for this engine? My died somwhere litle bit over 5000rpm. From this reason I looking for way how to make it more rev friendly...

-It is possible get somewhere PTS kit for this engine?

-I have one spare cylinder head from 1.6 (XU5JA)/1.9 engine. Do you know about company which specialized to "tuning" of this cylinder head? Somewhat like PTS kit?

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Tom Fenton


-What is your max. usable revs for this engine? My died somwhere litle bit over 5000rpm. From this reason I looking for way how to make it more rev friendly...

Mine will rev easily to 6500rpm. In fact 4500-5000rpm is when it really comes alive.


Check your ignition timing, it sounds like it needs advancing a little. A small adjustment makes a big difference.

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Mine will rev easily to 6500rpm. In fact 4500-5000rpm is when it really comes alive.


Check your ignition timing, it sounds like it needs advancing a little. A small adjustment makes a big difference.


What? 6500rpm? Are you kidding me :-) ? My engine goes over 6000rpm, but this is already unusable and lost a lot of power (accelerating). How I can check ignition timing or adjust? Have I do it according Haynes manual?

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peak power on 1.6 is at 6200, so should rev to 6500 at a guess ( 1.9 is 6000 and 6200 limit )


to adjust timing simply rotate the distributor back to advance, forwards to retard, book settings are a little irrelevant these days with modern fuels and worn components, adjust till it pinks under load then bring back a few degrees.

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peak power on 1.6 is at 6200, so should rev to 6500 at a guess ( 1.9 is 6000 and 6200 limit )

to adjust timing simply rotate the distributor back to advance, forwards to retard, book settings are a little irrelevant these days with modern fuels and worn components, adjust till it pinks under load then bring back a few degrees.


Thank you, Im really glad that is possible to do it without stroboscopic lamp...but can you explain more simple (sorry, Im really not a english man). I dont understand mainly what is rotate forwards to retard and what does it mean "till it pinks under load" and what is "few degrees" - 2 is enough? My bad I know, but english is not my first language (I believe that many other people will considered this like usefull).

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