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Vibratech Gbox Mount

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Thinking of changing my top engine mount and Gbox mount. I have the Vibratech lower bush fitted already, and fairly new OE top and Gbox mounts. However, I notice that there is a fair bit of flex on the top mount (by hand), and that the buffers have taken a bit of a beating. I've previously lost numerous exhaust hanger rubbers and i'm putting this down to engine movement shifting the full exhaust back and forth and eventually working the rubbers loose.


Also, (due to the cost of the Vibratech Gbox mount), I might consider going Vibratech top mount, but use a BBM Gbox mount. My thinking is that the top mount gets pulled so has to be tiptop, whereas the Gbox hangs on and compresses the mount and may not have to be as high quality (no offence BBM)....thought anyone?


Having looked at images of the Vibratech Gbox mount, the fixings seem/look to be threaded, anyone fitted one recently and can tell me roughly how you go about fitting it? or are the images misleading and it's a direct swap?


image here


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i have not fitted the gearbox mount but i do have the top mount and its solid combined with my bbm bottom mount you cant move the engine at all

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what Gbox mount do you have? and have you noticed any downside inside the cabin?

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just the standard oe gearbox mount although i may upgrade it to a bbm unit. cant say i noticed a difference in car but i have no interior or sound damping it may be noticeable on a road car

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Thanks Jamie.... I've order the VT top mount, and will hum and haw until I eventually pull the trigger on the BBM Gbox mount.


Still interested to know the fixing arrangement for the VT Gbox mount if anyone knows?

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you need to fit the full set, the extra movement in the BBM mount will soon finish off the minimal amount of rubber in the vibratechnics mount.

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I see WP.


Any idea how the VT one is fixed?


I take it the nuts on the image are sort of threaded bushes witha hex head to tighten them?

Edited by dobboy

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never fitted one to a 205 but it does look like it

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I have the VT top and gear box mount, along with some sort of solid rubber lower one. May be a BBM, I can't remember, it's been on there ages. I used the "road" spec versions of the VT mounts.


Yes, the VT box mount does "screw" on to the fixings on the battery tray with those nuts you can see in the pic on their site. However, do bear in mind that there is no lateral movement in terms of how the mount is fixed. So, if you levered over the engine/gearbox mount towards the offside of your car when installing the gti6 engine to gain a little more clearance for the m/cyl, then you won't be able to do that with the VT mount (hope that makes sense!).

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Thanks, yeah i get you. I've shaved my cam cover and trimmed timing belt cover previously and the engine sits nice where it wants to, so i should be okdoky. Thanks again

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Just to follow up, i fitted the Vibra top mount. I now have the VT bush, VT top mount, and a fairly new OE Gbox mount. Plan to change the GBox mount to a BBM one due to the cost of the VT one....... just can't justify it tbh.


Since changing my newish OE top mount to the VT version, i do notice an increase in vibration at idle, but it's bearible, and you don't notice the difference when you're off the mark.


The VT top mount is fairly solid and i can spot the difference when the motors sitting idling. Not too worried at running the car at the moment with an OE Gbox mount as worse case scenario a replacable insert is available from VT for the top mount if it get's wrecked which i doubt as i won't have the chance to clock up many miles before i get the BBM Gbox mount.


Also worth pointing out that VT say you can do away with the buffers, which i've done.

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Leave the buffers there. The mount does move a little. Youll also want to space put the buffers to meet the top mount. Otherwise all the stress goes into the chassis leg the mount screws to and will eventually crack it.



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I looked at my VT top mount tonight as i'm convinced my engine has moved back towards the bulkhead by 5-10mm


Anyway, i've noticed the mount isn't particularly central to the uprights of where it sits, being closer to the bulkhead side.


Can anyone remember what the mount screws into? Is it one of those sort of slideable captive things, meaning if i slackened the mount off i could slide it forward and re-tighten it? (more central)



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From memory they are sat back slightly. They just let screw into the body.

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