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Lights On Warning Buzzer

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This buzzer sounds sometimes, albeit at a very low volume, when I have the blower motor on full. It also started sounding when using the indicators at one point. It seems to be linked to when there is a high electrical load. Can anyone explain?!

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It'll be caused by a bad earth somewhere probably, check the ones related to the things that make it happen.

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Ok thanks, wondered if it would be the earths, will check.


Digressing slightly, but said blower motor is rather slow to come "on". Nothing happens for a few minutes, despite the dial being turned to "high", and then it decides to stop being on strike and gets going. Once it gets up to speed, it's not too bad.


Is this likely to be the blower motor itself, the transitor (the thing near the motor, which often gives problems I think?) or the dial/circuit board?



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Definitely the motor, it runs full current on the highesr setting.

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Can these motors still be bought new? Thought they were relatively cheap from the likes of GSF, but can't seem to find them online. Anyone bought one recently?

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