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Electric Window Door Loom Woes

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I will try to keep this as easy to understand as possible, whilst explaining my findings so far


Short story: I have a J plate 90/91 1.6 GTi, with manual windows. Car has the black circular multiplugs at the door shut. I've converted it to electric windows using donor door looms and switches etc from another 205 GTi (I'm led to believe) from 205kenny on here. I've had it all working no problem but I never wound the locking nut tight as it was only a 'dry run' before everything was stripped out and it went to the bodyshop


Today I've been rebuilding the car, so reassembling all the doors and looms etc.


Driver side loom is fine and all connects up from the door loom, onto the body loom, at the circle plug, and the twisty-locking ring keeps them tight


The passenger side however I've discovered an issue


They have the right pin layout, no problems there. The only issue is that the body loom connector seems to be about 12.5mm depth on the threaded part, and the door loom seems to be about 1mm longer, so there's a noticable difference, and as such when you try to push it in and lock it using the twisty-locking ring, it won't. After much messing around we have decided the electric window loom connector threaded part has to be wrong and too long. There's no other explanation I don't think? Tried to shave 1mm or so off the plastic housing (where the pins are) on the door loom to see if it'll make a better connection and push further into the dash side, allowing the ring to lock, but it won't. The fins on the multiplug foul and it's just a bit of ballache.


The pin layouts are fine and match, they just need to travel a further 1-1.5mm closer together to allow the lock-ring to do its job!


Can anyone throw any suggestions my way? Is there maybe a secondary version of the circular round black multiplug variant for reasons unbeknown to me? Or is it possile I've got an electric window loom from a non-GTi and that's the issue?


Or, is there a longer (deeper) locking ring that could be used, as it seems to be missing the part of the thread required to make it lock by about 1mm.


Can anyone please shed any light? I don't want to buy another door loom and it be the same, and my issue be something else.


I also don't want to be taking all my dash-side loom out again. I really can't see that side being the issue though as the old manual window loom was fine.

Edited by rikky

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Ok, after all this and looking again with fresh eyes, it looks like the circular ring on the connector (door window loom side) has some teeth missing so could be the issue


I'll update my wanted thread so hopefully someone can get me one?!

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