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Mi16 Plug Wells Full Of Oil And Missing Oil Seal!?

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Hi all,


After using my 205 for a whole week (for the first time in ages) I started to give it an oil and plug change today. Started with the plugs, and as soon as I took the plug cover off I noticed oil every where. all the plug wells were full of oil.


I changed the cam cover gasket about 9-10 months ago, and I think I reused the old spark plug seals, as they looked fine. I've just whipped the cover off, and there are only three seals! One was stuck to the underside of the cam cover, as you'd expect, but the other two were just lying on top of each other wedged between plug 1 and plug 2!


I know that I was careful to torque the cam cover down in the correct sequence, so I'd be amazed if it had been loose enough for them to shuffle out of position and wedge themselves in. I guess it explains why the wells are all full of oil though.


So where is the 4th seal? I've had a good look in the head but can't see any sign of it! Where could it go?




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I can't see how it could move very far with an ignition lead connected!

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Fair point! I just can't see how they ended up there when I gently took the cam cover off. And where is the 4th one? I can't imagine for a minute that I got the refitting of the cam cover that wrong! I assume that other than a catastrophic problem, the seals are the only other way I can have so much oil in the plug wells?

Edited by Justin
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The only possibilities I can think of are that you missed it out when you assembled it, you dropped it somewhere when you took the cover off or it has disintegrated.


I'd definitely fit a new set, even when they look OK they are usually too squashed and hardened to seal properly.

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I'll refit the cover with a new gasket and get some new plug seals. I seem to recall they were NFP a few years ago bit they seem available from a few places such as Spoox. Are they just splitting them from a top end gasket set or are they getting them remanufactured? I know BakerBM were looking into reproducing them but don't think available yet...

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I assume they are getting them re-manufactured, I've never seen them in any sets.

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I have one in stock.


Was my intention to grab another 3.

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Every gasket set I've had to date has had them in, don;t forget the other 3 seals for the bolts too

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I think those are NFP to now.

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