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Help With Lexia 3/ Pp2000

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I'm having some trouble trying to install this software on my laptop, I'm running Windows 7 and followed the guides on line to installing it but it's getting halfway then fails and says contact technical support.

So wondering if anyone has had this problem and how to I get round it

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I think most, including myself, who have PP2000 are running it on XP.

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Ok is it possible to downgrade to xp without paying for it

It's rather annoying as it said it will work on 7

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If you have Windows 7 ultimate you can run an xp based programme such as PP2000 on it as a virtual machine afaik.


this topic by Slo might help.



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Install a 32bit Windows XP using Oracle Virtualbox. Make sure the USB is activated in the Virtualbox software.


Once you have set up the virtualbox image you can install windows XP as if it was on a regular machine.

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wont work like that as the 7 takes over the usb management which uses a 7 driver


tried for days to get this program to work to no avail


in the end format and xp install is the only way it would work


its actually not the program that wont work its the driver for the tool that wont work in 7 and 7 driver in xp and you cant use a seperate driver for each since its actual hardware not virtual hardware


if anyone wants to prove me wrong n this point above id love to be shown how to make it work cos i almost smashed my laptop to bits in frustration


i also had exactly the same problem with 7 and diagbox, program installed and updated ok then on running it no device found


works spot on on xp so thats what you need


my advice is just get an old laptop, by old laptop i mean one with a pentium 4 or amd athlon processor and a 10 inch 4:3 screen and get a new battery for it if you plan on using it in the car or a long extension if you think you will be able to get near a plug socket every time you will need to use it

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It worked first time for me... and a lot of people do run it successfully on virtual computer.


The Lexia driver is only necessary to install on the virtual PC, not on the Win7 installation.

But the Oracle Virtualbox USB driver muust be installed on the Win 7 installation.


Edit: That said, I totally agree that it's more straight forward and safe to install Win XP 32bit directly on the computer.

However some more recent laptops won't have all drivers avaliable for XP, at least I found this a problem with one of my laptops, so had to get an older one.

Edited by B1ack_Mi16

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when i was trying to setup any virtual environment it would either install the usb under 7 and be not available in the xp or install in the xp and be not available in the 7, for some reason like this even though xp was installing it correctly in lexia the device was dormant and program was saying vci device missing or whatever it was, and pp2000 refused to start because of the same problem


tbh i dont see the problem buying an old s*itter laptop for mobile use with, only 1 purpose speed is irrelevant as there wont be any windows update bloat or other programs to slow it down and you can get a decent one for around 20 quid now perfect for purpose

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I believe it works fine on Win 7 32 bit, just not 64 bit. Been a while since I had my old laptop. My new one is Win 8 (64 bit), so I just run it under a 32 bit virtual machine (using VirtualBox) without any bother.

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Rather than start a new thread, I thought I'd tag my questions on to this one:


1. Has anyone recently bought this software and cables. I've been looking at ones on eBay for about £79, I'll go for a UK seller, but can anyone recommend a specific seller? Or indeed somewhere other than eBay?


2. Can someone explain the difference between Lexia, Peugeot Planet and Diag Box, I'm still not sure.


3. I'm will be using it on a Xsara VTS engine, rather than a gti6, I presume this makes no difference?


4. I've cut out a 16-pin "OBD" port from a R reg (or similar) petrol Xsara in the scrappy. I don't know what engine it had in it, other than petrol, I think - I presume this plug will work, so long as it's wired up correctly (I've kept the relevant wires from the large multi-plug on the xsara loom, they have just haven't been connected to anything up till now)?


5. I've obtained an old laptop running Windows XP, which I think is what I need to run the software successfully. It only has Service Pack 2 on it though - will this still work (as all the ads say it must run the latest service pack)?



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I brought one recently from here http://stores.ebay.co.uk/autodiagnosticsuk995/ it works well, only thing was it took a long time to install all updates to the newest version.


As far as I know Lexia and Peugeot Planet are the older systems and Diag Box is for the newer models.

If you only want it for using on the VTS engine you would buy Lexia and Peugeot Planet cheaper than getting Diag box too.


As long as you ecu is out of the same model of car and works with the 16 pin OBD and is wired correctly I'm sure it should work,


Sorry I can't help with the other questions.

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Lexia is the name of the diagnostic tool


Peugeot planet 2000 is the name of the software that uses it, it needs windows xp to work, best option is an old laptop with nothing installed to slow it down


Diagbox is peugeot and citroen combined software and can program newer cars as the pp2000 is blacklisted from their ecus or something like that and wont connect to them, it runs like crap and is very slow though.


You will want to use pp2000, it can read obd2 np but also reads obd1 with the extra cable, that converts the obd2 plug, to 2 pin obd1 with 2 extra bulldog clips for live and earth to the battery. Make sure you buy a kit with this extra cable, look for the red and black bulldog clips.


Setting up pp2000 can usually be a headache but its not impossible and works fine on my 206cc 2002 model and my 1993 turbo ecu which is obd1

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Thanks both for the replies.


Slo - are you saying I will need this extra cable (with the bulldog clips) to read my VTS engine? Or is that only for older engines, like you turbo?


And do you think XP running only service pack 2 will be ok? I tried updating to 3, but haven't been able to.

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The obd1 is a 2 pin connector that come out of the ecu plug, ive read that you can convert it into an obd2 plug with the relevant lives and earths. But it will certainly come in handy for other vehicles if you ever need it, plus it wont cost any extra just make sure you can see it in the advert, oh and any in ebay will be ok they all come from the same place anyway.


Should be fine on service pack 2 with xp as well

Edited by Slo

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