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Oil Pressure On Dash

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Few electrical issues on the 205.


Main one it the oil pressure on the dash. Its the to senders on the block right under the manifold?


The one on the left near the alternator is the warning light and on the right, the bigger one is the gauge on the dash?


My issue it both worked ok, then the gauge stopped and now the warning light ( in red) doesnt come on also after unplugging the bigger lead on the right one and giving it some wd40 to help clean up the connection.


Does one not work with the other?


As both worked I assume wiring. I have changed the oil to 10 40 semi shell helix also but it dit work for a bit.

Edited by damo

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They both work independently. If you unplug the wires from the senders and touch them to earth (the engine block) the light will come on or the gauge will go to full deflection so you can use this to test the wiring and work out which wire is which. And yes, the small sender is the switch for the light and the larger one is the sensor for the gauge.

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thanks for the help. seems to work once the cars been running and warmed up now its been driven a bit.

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