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James Cornell

8V Rebuild Woes

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Tom Fenton

I would replace the bolts personally. But why would you need the head off to sort the bottom end??

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James Cornell

If the con rod caps refuse to fit the correct way without locking the cam up then I would imagine it is going to be time to swap out the faulty Pistons/rods for ones that don't have the issue...so it would be engine out and head off the replace the faulty items...unless the Pistons can be replaced from the bottom with the engine in the car?

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are the rods in the right way round??


no the pistons dont fit out of the bottom of the block.

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James Cornell

The rods have not been removed from the piston crown and all of the Pistons have DIST pointing at the flywheel...unless may moons ago the con rods were removed and not put back on the correct way around?


Yes I didn't think you could add/remove the Pistons from the bottom, I would have opted for that if it was possible to avoid removing the head/gearbox/engine from the car

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all of the Pistons have DIST pointing at the flywheel...


DIST means something like 'Distributeur de tension' which is French for timing belt, it doesn't mean the ignition distributor so if you have them pointing to the flywheel end that is wrong.

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James Cornell

Sorry my bad, they are all pointing at the cam belt

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James Cornell

Just ran it up to temp and it seems fine, taken it out for a couple of miles and it is running better than it ever has...watch this space

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James Cornell

200 miles now and the only thing to report was the sandwich plate seal for the oil cooler was shot and the driveshaft seal is weeping (apparently you have to leave it slightly proud when you fit it)...looking good

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