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Headling Wet At The Rear Sides...

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After the heavy rain noticed that my headlining is wet, at the rear on the sides. The leaks never stop with this bloody car!


What's the probable cause?


I was thinking probably the sunroof drains have corroded, but before I set about taking the headlining down wanted to see if there were any other thoughts!


Does the headlining need gluing back up if I do end up taking it off to repair the drains?



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Based on a recent topic on here, where someone had posted up pics of the dropped headlining and visible drain pipes, I'd say it has to be the rear sunroof drains.


I reckon my rear one on the passenger side has probably got a slight bit of corrosion as I noticed a very feint dampness in the headlining earlier today :(


Come the new year I'm tempted to get a decent half top cover for the car as that should stop the water getting in whilst it's parked up.

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Does sound like the rear sunroof drains, only other source is the sunroof screws and rivnuts. I've got plenty of photos, just shout if you want any.


The headling does glue back on, I plan to used double sided carpet tape.


Anyway, you've just about replaced every other part, maybe time for the sunroof..... :P

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He won't like the cost of new sunroof seals :lol:

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Cheers guys. I'm gonna tackle the sunroof drains tomorow. Hoping it's them as the sunroof sounds like a pain in the arse.


Paul, when you say sunroof screws do you mean the ones holding the handle onto the glass?


A pic of the sunroof without the trim etc so I can see where else it might leak would be great cheers mate!

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I doubt very much it's the screws, but if it is they are the ones that hold the sunroof frame to the roof(behind the plastic trim).


Some pics that might be useful.


this is the frame that the headlining is stuck to.








iirc the frame is held in place with four screws that are accessed from the outside, the rear screws can only be accessed by removing the sunroof handle and sliding the glass fully backward. You can see the front screws when the glass is slid backwards. I found that the internal cover can be removed by gently pulling down the crossmember and sliding the cover out towards the rear.


perhaps other will confirm if you have to fully remove the glass past the end stops as I can't remember


you can see the two screw holes in this picture




you can see the internal rear drain from the frame in this picture




what it looks like with the headlining frame removed






You've got my number if you get stuck just give me a call as I'm working on the car all day tomorrow. (well it was that or Xmas shopping with the wife :o )


Good luck







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Thats awesome, thanks very much indeed Paul - if I'm just concentrating on the sunroof drains for now, do I have to remove BOTH the frame the headlining is stuck to AND the internal cover (with crossmember)?


These are two seperate things to the actual sunroof metal frame that has the drain holes, right?

Edited by ATK

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I did them on an old 205 I had without removing the frame. Took the headlining down, got rid of the corroded crap and tigersealed in some copper pipe and joined that to the rubber drain hose. Worked a treat.


Then my long term 205 got sympathy leaks and that needs doing now too :(


Can't be assed this time round so gonna get a bodyshop to do it!

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