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Engine Won't Start

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Ok, cheers.


Come to think of it, since late September I notice a metallic scraping noise immediately after starting the engine. Recently it had gone away but any chance the culprit was the starter? It would last about 5 to 10 seconds immediately after starting. Does the pinion retract the gear immediately after the engine starts or does it remain there for a few seconds and then pull back?


Also, and sorry for all the questions, how do I find a slim starter motor? Pretty sure mine is the bulkier one as there's a bracket on the end of it. If I can get a slim one cheaper than a recon Lucas from ECP then it's win win (although the slim one would need to be new or recon as well).

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That metallic noise does sound like the solenoid staying engaged after the engine starts.


The original bulky starters are notorious for solenoid / starting issues like this, and a later slimline Valeo unit is a good call. You'll need to swap the connector on the solenoid wire to a ring terminal, but the later starters are much more reliable and less prone to these sort of issues.


I don't know how good the recon units ECP sell are - certainly some "recon" starters out there are utter junk, but others are fine.

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What's the part number for the later Valeo unit or what cars are they fitted to? I know it's later XU engines but tried searching for 306 and 406 and can still only find used ones.


Changing the terminal isn't a problem considering how hacked up the wire is already :lol:

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Ordered a motor from a 1.8 Xantia/Pug 306.


Also got the inlet manifold off and ready to remove the old starter. However, the clutch cable return lever is in the way of the lower motor bolt. What size is the hex head of the pin? Service box just lists it as a pin, with no reference to the head size. Looks like it could be about 22mm?

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