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Ecu Temp Sensor - Where It Connects?

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i doing a full engine rewiring and i noticed that the ECU temp sensor has a spade connector on one end of it.

i almost sure that it was connected to one of the spade terminal in the 7 pins brown connector in the engine loom but i'm not sure which.

the seven pins turn to be this :

pin 7: water temp gauge sender

pin 6: water temp warning light

pin 5 : starter

pin 4 : oil pressure warning light

pin 3 : oil temp gauge sender

pin 2 : oil pressure gauge sender

pin 1 : alternator

in the haynes manual the ECU temp sensor , SAD sensor ,ignition amp and pins 5 and 13 needs to be connected together to the battery (-) terminal.


but what i have it like this :


*can someone confirm where the other side of the ECU temp sensor connects to?

*is the other side of the SAD supposted to connect to ECU 4 and the starter?

*where the SAD and the ECU temp connects together to battery (-) terminal?



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can some one confirm that one of the pins one the ECU temp connector and thr SAD sensor is ground?

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Yes, one pin is ground and the other goes to the pin on the ECU.

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