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Exhaust Info

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I'm planning on taking my shell to tony law for the manifold and exhaust making but the engine isn't ready could someone tell me whether an s16 engine is the same as I've one I can dry fit to allow the lads to get on and make my exhaust whilst we wait for the engine builder plus I can then have the engine dynod on the super flow with it's own manifold on this cheers

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Same as what - an 1.9 Mi16?


If so, it's similar, but slightly different - 10 studs on head-manifold flange (9 on Mi16) and the iron block is slightly taller than alloy so the manifolds need to be slightly differently shaped.


Basically, no you can't use a 2.0 Mi16/S16 for a dry build of a 1.9 Mi16 exhaust.

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Sorry Anthony I'm having built an xu10j4rs

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in that case you could bung in an XU10J4R, or an S16 with an XU7 or 10 head.

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Have you a spare xu10 lying about mei that I could borrow then as the only engines I've access to is an s16 and an mi hence why I asked the question to try and hurry my project along as the only xu10 I have is being built and I could do without spending more money on another engine just to fit for an exhaust unsure sometimes as to whether your posts are meant as helpful or sarcastic

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no sarcasm in that post, just pure facts.


as it happens I do have an iron block and a few late type heads, bit far from Lancashire though.

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