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Click! Earth, Starter Motor? ?

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Had this issue for a few of months now.


Come to start the car and I will get a single click on the turn if the key.


Sometimes it will take 2-3 single clicks. Every now and then it will get into double figures.



Watch "Click click click" on YouTube

Click click click:



I have added an extra earth to the battery.....




....However, click still remains.


For info when I had a rebuild of the engine last year I had a recon starter motor fitted.


Any ideas people?





Edited by iPlod999

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Either a dying starter (many "recon" units are utter garbage) or more likely the solenoid wiring is suffering excessive voltage loss.


The later is a well known 205 issue and you'll find plenty doing a search.


I ended up fitting a relay into the solenoid circuit to solve the issue on mine, and it's been perfect since.

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I seem to remember replacing some of the solenoid wiring on your car when you brought it round a while back, but I think we might have just bypassed the brown multiplug?


I know it's a fair distance for you but if you bring it back I can replace all of it.


Is that cable going to the strut tower the extra earth you added? If so disconnect it from there and bolt it to the gearbox.

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Hi Kieron.


Yes I came to you for the annoying hot start problem.


Ye we/you bypassed the brown plug to the starter motor and it work a treat, have not had the HS problem since.


Hi Anthony.


I had the starter motor changed. Literally, in my mind, as it should have been better than the one in their.


I was probably wrong. If it ain't broke don't fix it.




Cheers guys.

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Exactly the same issue as Anthony,followed his advice, added in the relay and its been fine ever since :)

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Another vote for a relay on the blue wire. Done that a couple of times now, always works well.


Another one to try is the ignition barrel itself. Had that fail before now.


To Anthony's point as well, some refurbs are excellent and only the casing and spindle remains, while some are nothing more than a coat of spray paint. If you are in any doubt, or you have tried everything else and it still playing up, get a second opinion. I know its a way from you but there's a guy near Reading I rate very highly.

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